Panasonic Car Video System DY CB9 User Manual

Driver units:  
30 mm (1 3/16q)  
100 dB/mW  
Driver units:  
30 mm (1 3/16q)  
100 dB/mW  
Power handling capacity:  
Power handling capacity:  
1000 mW (IEC)  
16 Hz - 22 kHz  
1.3 m (4.5 ft.)  
1000 mW (IEC)  
16 Hz - 22 kHz  
1.3 m (4.5 ft.)  
Frequency response:  
Frequency response:  
Operating Instructions  
Manuel d’utilisation  
3.5 mm (1/8  
3.5 mm (1/8  
Specifications are subject to change  
without notice.  
Specifications are subject to change  
without notice.  
Portable DVD Car Kit  
Service après-vente  
Product Service  
Nécessaire de voiture pour Lecteur DVD Portatif  
1.Damage requiring service—The unit  
should be serviced by qualified service  
personnel if:  
1.En cas de dommage—Confier l’appareil à  
un technicien qualifié dans les cas suivants:  
(a)lorsque le cordon d’alimentation ou  
l’adaptateur secteur a été endommagé;  
(b)lorsqu’un objet est tombé dans  
Model No./Modèle  
(a)The AC power supply cord or AC  
adaptor has been damaged; or  
(b)Objects or liquids have gotten into the unit; or  
l’appareil ou si ce dernier a été mouillé;  
If you have any questions contact  
Pour toute demande de renseignements, appeler au  
(c)The unit has been exposed to rain; or  
(d)The unit does not operate normally or  
exhibits a marked change in performance; or  
(e)The unit has been dropped or the  
cabinet damaged.  
2.Servicing—Do not attempt to service the  
unit beyond that described in these  
operating instructions. Refer all other  
servicing to authorized servicing personnel.  
3.Replacement parts—When parts need  
replacing ensure the servicer uses  
parts specified by the manufacturer or  
parts that have the same characteristics  
as the original parts. Unauthorized  
substitutes may result in fire, electric  
shock, or other hazards.  
(c)lorsque l’appareil a été exposé à la pluie  
(d)lorsque l’appareil semble ne pas  
U.S.A.: 1-800-211-PANA(7262)  
Canada: 1-800-561-5505  
fonctionner normalement ou que son  
rendement laisse à désirer;  
(e)lorsque l’appareil a subi un choc violent  
ou que son coffret a été endommagé.  
2.Réparation—Ne faire aucun réglage ni  
ajustement autres que ceux décrits dans le  
présent manuel. Confier toute réparation à  
un centre de service Panasonic agréé.  
3.Pièces de rechange—S’assurer que le  
technicien utilise des pièces de  
Applicable model  
Pour les modèles  
rechange recommandées par le  
fabricant ou dont les caractéristiques  
sont les mêmes. Lutilisation de pièces  
de rechange non autorisées peut  
causer un incendie, des chocs  
This manual was printed with soy based ink.  
Ce manuel a été imprimé avec de l’encre à base de soja.  
4.Safety check—After repairs or service,  
ask the servicer to perform safety  
checks to confirm that the unit is in  
proper working condition.  
électriques ou d’autres dangers.  
4.Vérification de sécuritéDemander au  
technicien qui a réparé l’appareil de soumettre  
ce dernier à des vérifications pour s’assurer  
Panasonic Consumer Electronics Company,  
p q  
Division of Panasonic Corporation of North America Puerto Rico, Inc.  
Product information  
One Panasonic Way Secaucus,  
New Jersey 07094  
Ave. 65 de Infantería, Km. 9.5  
San Gabriel Industrial Park,  
qu’il peut être utilisé en toute sécurité  
For product information or assistance with  
Demande d’informations  
product operation:  
In the U.S.A., refer to “Customer Services  
Directory” on the right.  
Pour toutes réparations, renseignements ou  
conseils sur le fonctionnement du produit:  
Veuillez contacter le service à la clientèle  
de Panasonic Canada Inc.  
au 1-800-561-5505,  
centre de service agréé le plus proche.  
Puerto Rico 00985  
Panasonic Canada Inc.  
5770 Ambler Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2T3  
In Canada, contact the Panasonic  
Canada Inc. Customer Care Centre  
at 1-800-561-5505, or visit the website  
Servicentre closest to you.  
C 2005 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.  
Printed in China/Imprimé en Chine  
Cher client  
Dear customer  
Nous vous remercions d’avoir arrêté votre choix sur cet appareil. Pour en tirer un  
rendement optimal, lire attentivement le présent manuel.  
Thank you for purchasing this product.  
For optimum performance and safety, please read these instructions carefully.  
Before connecting, operating or adjusting this product, please read the instructions  
completely. Please keep this manual for future reference.  
Avant de raccorder, régler ou utiliser l’appareil, il est recommandé de lire attentivement le manuel  
d’utilisation.Conserver ce manuel.  
Do not attach or detach the Headrest Mounting Bracket while driving, and do not  
attach in the following locations, otherwise it may result in injury or traffic  
Do not attach or detach the Headrest Mounting Bracket while driving, and do not  
attach in the following locations, otherwise it may result in injury or traffic  
–anywhere other than the back of the seat  
–anywhere other than the back of the seat  
–in a location that interferes with the driver’s view or operation of the car  
–in a location that interferes with the operation of an airbag  
–in a location that interferes with the driving instruments  
–in a location that interferes with the driver’s view or operation of the car  
–in a location that interferes with the operation of an airbag  
–in a location that interferes with the driving instruments  
Make sure that the bracket belt is securely fastened, and check the lock on the unit  
In the event of an accident, sudden acceleration, or braking, the unit could become loose and  
cause injury.  
Make sure that the bracket belt is securely fastened, and check the lock on the unit  
In the event of an accident, sudden acceleration, or braking, the unit could become loose and  
cause injury.  
Protection de l’ouïe  
Listening caution  
EST. 1924  
EST. 1924  
Éviter l’écoute à volume élevé. Les spécialistes en otologie recommandent de ne  
pas prolonger l’écoute afin de ne pas endommager l’ouïe.  
Si un bourdonnement se fait entendre, réduire le volume ou cesser l’écoute.  
Ne pas utiliser au volant d’un véhicule motorisé. Cela peut être dangereux et est interdit  
dans plusieurs régions.  
Do not play your headphones or earphones at a high volume. Hearing experts advise  
against continuous extended play.  
If you experience a ringing in your ears, reduce volume or discontinue use.  
Do not use while operating a motorized vehicle. It may create a traffic hazard and is  
illegal in many areas.  
Démontrer une grande prudence ou interrompre l’écoute dans des situations  
potentiellement dangereuses.  
You should use extreme caution or temporarily discontinue use in potentially  
hazardous situations.  
Même si le casque d’écoute ou les écouteurs sont du type ouvert devant permettre  
d’entendre les bruits ambiants, ne pas trop élever le volume.  
Le son peut être trompeur. Avec le temps, votre niveau de confort auditif s’adapte à des  
volumes plus élevés. Ainsi, un niveau qui semble normal peut en fait être trop élevé et  
être nuisible à l’oreille.  
Protégez-vous en réglant le volume à un niveau sécuritaire avant que votre oreille ne  
s’adapte à un volume trop élevé.  
Pour déterminer un niveau d’écoute sécuritaire:  
Even if your headphones or earphones are the open-air type designed to let you hear  
outside sounds, don’t turn up the volume so high that you can’t hear what’s around you.  
Sound can be deceiving. Over time your hearing “comfort level” adapts to higher volumes of  
sound. So what sounds “normal” can actually be loud and harmful to your hearing.  
Guard against this by setting your equipment at a safe level BEFORE your hearing adapts.  
To establish a safe level:  
Start your volume control at a low setting.  
Slowly increase the sound until you can hear it comfortably and clearly, and without  
Régler le volume au minimum.  
Monter lentement le volume jusqu’au niveau d’écoute confortable avant qu’il n’y ait  
Once you have established a comfortable sound level:  
Leave it there.  
Après avoir identifié le niveau d’écoute confortable:  
Laisser l’appareil réglé à ce niveau.  
- Si ce symbole apparaît -  
Information sur la mise au rebut dans les pays n'appartenant  
-If you see this symbol-  
Information on Disposal in other Countries outside the  
pas à l'Union européenne  
European Union  
Ce symbole est uniquement valide dans l'Union européenne.  
Si vous désirez mettre ce produit au rebut, contactez  
l'administration locale ou le revendeur et informez-vous de la  
bonne façon de procéder.  
This symbol is only valid in the European Union.  
If you wish to discard this product, please contact your local authorities  
or dealer and ask for the correct method of disposal.  
Use numbers indicated in parentheses when asking for replacement parts.  
(Product numbers correct as of January 2006. These may be subject to change.)  
Stereo headphones (RP-HT40)  
Headrest Mounting Bracket (RXQ1405A)  
Monitor holder (RGQ0442-K)  
How to connect the headphones  
Folding method  
Input plug  
3.5mm (1/8  
stereo mini plug)  
Portable DVD/CD Player  
(Illustrations in these operating  
instructions are of DVD-LS91.)  
q) L-shaped  
If the housings do not fit,  
move up or down.  
How to install the Headrest Mounting Bracket and the Portable DVD Player.  
You can enjoy video in the back seat attaching the unit to the back of the front seat.  
3 Attaching the unit to the bracket.  
Attaching the Headrest Mounting Bracket to the front seat.  
While holding the unit with both hands, line it up just below the protruding  
sections on the bracket as shown in the illustration on the left.  
1 Adjust the headrest so there is an open space of about 3 cm.  
Press the unit down about 4 to 5 mm until you hear a “click” as it locks into place  
At this point, line the protruding sections up with the holes on the bottom of the  
Side view  
When correctly  
you will hear a  
locking sound.  
Line up the protruding  
sections here.  
2 Close the buckle and adjust the belt until it fits tightly around the headrest.  
2 Attaching the monitor holder.  
1 Fold the monitor down  
towards the front of the unit  
Refer to the following illustration for lining up the protruding sections  
on the bracket with the holes on the back of the unit.  
and attach the monitor  
Diagram of attached bracket  
Use the monitor in the open  
position as shown in the  
illustration to the right to  
prevent abnormal audio or  
damage resulting from  
vibrations in the car.  
2 Rotate the monitor  
backwards so the screen is  
facing out, and lock into  
place with the monitor  
The angle of the monitor  
can be adjusted up to  
about 30 degrees.  
The angle of the monitor may shift  
while driving due to vibration, etc.  
Check that the monitor is locked into position.  
Releasing the unit from the bracket  
Detaching the monitor  
Depending on the type of  
headrest, you may not be  
able to attach the bracket.  
After use, detach the  
monitor holder from  
the unit. You can  
Press the release buttons (left and right)  
in towards the center of the bracket.  
Press the monitor holder as  
shown to detach it.  
2Lift the unit up to release it.  
Press the release buttons only when  
detaching the unit.  
store it in the bracket.  
or less  
Use numbers indicated in parentheses when asking for replacement parts.  
(Product numbers correct as of January 2006. These may be subject to change.)  
Stereo headphones (RP-HT40)  
Headrest Mounting Bracket (RXQ1405A)  
Monitor holder (RGQ0442-K)  
How to connect the headphones  
Folding method  
Input plug  
3.5mm (1/8  
stereo mini plug)  
Portable DVD/CD Player  
(Illustrations in these operating  
instructions are of DVD-LS91.)  
q) L-shaped  
If the housings do not fit,  
move up or down.  
How to install the Headrest Mounting Bracket and the Portable DVD Player.  
You can enjoy video in the back seat attaching the unit to the back of the front seat.  
3 Attaching the unit to the bracket.  
Attaching the Headrest Mounting Bracket to the front seat.  
While holding the unit with both hands, line it up just below the protruding  
sections on the bracket as shown in the illustration on the left.  
1 Adjust the headrest so there is an open space of about 3 cm.  
Press the unit down about 4 to 5 mm until you hear a “click” as it locks into place  
At this point, line the protruding sections up with the holes on the bottom of the  
Side view  
When correctly  
you will hear a  
locking sound.  
Line up the protruding  
sections here.  
2 Close the buckle and adjust the belt until it fits tightly around the headrest.  
2 Attaching the monitor holder.  
1 Fold the monitor down  
towards the front of the unit  
Refer to the following illustration for lining up the protruding sections  
on the bracket with the holes on the back of the unit.  
and attach the monitor  
Diagram of attached bracket  
Use the monitor in the open  
position as shown in the  
illustration to the right to  
prevent abnormal audio or  
damage resulting from  
vibrations in the car.  
2 Rotate the monitor  
backwards so the screen is  
facing out, and lock into  
place with the monitor  
The angle of the monitor  
can be adjusted up to  
about 30 degrees.  
The angle of the monitor may shift  
while driving due to vibration, etc.  
Check that the monitor is locked into position.  
Releasing the unit from the bracket  
Detaching the monitor  
Depending on the type of  
headrest, you may not be  
able to attach the bracket.  
After use, detach the  
monitor holder from  
the unit. You can  
Press the release buttons (left and right)  
in towards the center of the bracket.  
Press the monitor holder as  
shown to detach it.  
2Lift the unit up to release it.  
Press the release buttons only when  
detaching the unit.  
store it in the bracket.  
or less  

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