User’s Guide
Copyright Notice
TransPort LT
User’s Guide
Copyright Notice
The information in this document is subject to change without prior notice in order
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900 E. Karcher Road
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P/N MAS001602-00, TransPort LT,
BGJ, 01-20-2000
Copyright 2000 Micron Electronics Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Table of Contents
Using Special Function Keys ......................................... 27
Using the Touchpad ............................................................ 28
Reading the System Status Lights .................................... 29
Connecting Peripheral Devices ......................................... 31
Using the Flex-Bay.............................................................. 33
To Remove a Device from the Flex-Bay ........................ 34
To Install a Device in the Flex-Bay................................. 34
Using the SmartBay Utility ............................................. 34
Using the Floppy Drive ....................................................... 35
Using the CD-ROM Drive .................................................... 37
Using the Hard Drive........................................................... 39
Removing the Hard Drive............................................... 40
Installing a Hard Drive.................................................... 41
Using the Battery................................................................. 41
Charging the Battery ...................................................... 41
Safely Using the Battery................................................. 42
Removing the Battery..................................................... 42
Installing the Battery....................................................... 43
Monitoring the Battery Charge ....................................... 43
Using the Battery Gauge................................................ 44
Using PowerProfiler to Monitor the Battery.................... 44
Battery Warnings............................................................ 45
Using the Modem ................................................................ 46
Precautions Before Use ................................................. 46
Description of 56K.......................................................... 47
Modem Specifications.................................................... 48
Installing the Modem Driver in Windows 95/98 ................ 49
Modem Commands........................................................ 49
Using AT commands...................................................... 50
Basic AT Commands ..................................................... 51
Table of Contents
User’s Guide....................................................................... 1
Copyright Notice.................................................................... 1
Welcome ............................................................................. 7
Purpose .................................................................................. 7
Reader.............................................................................. 7
Further Reading..................................................................... 7
Areas Covered ....................................................................... 7
Manual Conventions.............................................................. 9
Manual Comments................................................................. 9
Getting Started ................................................................. 11
Unpacking the TransPort LT............................................... 11
Personal Inventory .............................................................. 12
System Information ........................................................ 12
Heat, Cold, Humidity, and Glare ......................................... 13
Surge Suppressors ............................................................. 13
Work Location...................................................................... 13
Operating Environment....................................................... 15
Introducing Your TransPort LT....................................... 17
TransPort LT Features......................................................... 17
Using Your Computer for the First Time ........................... 19
Connecting the AC Adapter............................................ 19
Turning on the TransPort LT .......................................... 20
Understanding POST........................................................... 21
Adjusting the LCD Display.................................................. 22
Turning Off Your Computer ................................................ 22
APM Mode...................................................................... 22
Restarting Your Computer.................................................. 22
Tips for Using Your Computer............................................ 23
Traveling with Your Computer............................................ 24
Handling Spills..................................................................... 25
Storing the Computer for Long Periods............................ 25
Using the Keyboard............................................................. 25
Using the Embedded Numeric Keypad .......................... 27
Video Features and Configuration.................................. 53
Resolution and Color Depth............................................... 53
Configuring Display Features......................................... 54
Selecting a Monitor Type ............................................... 54
Changing Color Depth and Resolution........................... 55
Changing the Video Driver............................................. 56
Working with PC Cards....................................................... 58
Maintaining PC Cards .................................................... 59
Using PC Cards ............................................................. 59
Table of Contents
Maximum Power Saving Mode........................................... 93
Standby Mode...................................................................... 93
Suspend Mode..................................................................... 94
Suspend Mode Precautions ........................................... 94
Using PowerProfiler ............................................................ 95
Using Options................................................................... 63
AC Adapter........................................................................... 63
Auto Adapter ........................................................................ 63
Battery Pack......................................................................... 64
Memory Modules.................................................................. 64
Before You Install Memory ............................................. 64
Installing a Memory Module............................................ 65
CD-ROM Drive ...................................................................... 67
DVD-ROM Drive Module ...................................................... 67
Secondary Battery............................................................... 67
Port Replicator..................................................................... 68
Features of the Port Replicator....................................... 68
Installing a Port Replicator.............................................. 69
Removing a Port Replicator............................................ 70
Creating a Save-To-Disk Partition.................................. 97
Software Utilities.............................................................. 99
MRestore CD-ROM .............................................................. 99
MCRC (Micron Customer Resource Center)..................... 99
PartitionMagic...................................................................... 99
Drive Image 3.0 .................................................................... 99
Drive Image Professional.................................................. 101
Drive Image System Requirements.............................. 101
Creating Image Files .................................................... 101
Advanced Options........................................................ 107
Disable SmartSector Copying ...................................... 107
Verify Disk Writes......................................................... 107
ImageShield ................................................................. 108
Split Image File Into Multiple Files................................ 108
Restoring Image Files .................................................. 108
Resize Options............................................................. 114
Advanced Options........................................................ 114
Check for File System Errors ....................................... 115
Skip Bad Sector Check ................................................ 115
Verify Check Writes...................................................... 115
PartitionMagic.................................................................... 115
Partition Information ..................................................... 116
Partition Map ................................................................ 116
Partition List.................................................................. 116
PartitionMagic Help ...................................................... 117
ReadMe File................................................................. 117
Completing Tasks Manually ......................................... 117
Selecting a Hard Disk................................................... 117
Selecting a Partition ..................................................... 118
Applying Changes to Your System............................... 118
Changing PartitionMagic Preferences.......................... 119
Ignore OS/2 EA Errors on FAT..................................... 119
Skip Bad Sector Checks............................................... 120
Set as Read-Only for PartitionMagic............................ 120
Creating Partitions........................................................ 121
Drivers and System Resources....................................... 71
Drivers .................................................................................. 71
IRQs ...................................................................................... 71
Service Pack 6A for Windows NT 4.0................................. 72
Installing the LAN Driver in Windows 98........................... 73
Using System Setup......................................................... 75
Starting System Setup......................................................... 75
Main Menu ............................................................................ 77
Advanced Menu ................................................................... 81
Security Menu ...................................................................... 83
Power Menu.......................................................................... 84
Boot Menu ............................................................................ 87
Exit Menu.............................................................................. 88
Using System Security..................................................... 89
System Passwords.............................................................. 89
Creating a Password ...................................................... 89
Deleting a Password....................................................... 90
Requiring a Boot Password............................................ 90
Locking the Hard Drive Boot Sector ............................... 90
Locking the Floppy Drive ................................................ 90
Locking the Keyboard..................................................... 91
Using Power Management Options ................................ 93
Table of Contents
Creating Bootable Partitions......................................... 121
Appendix A - Regulatory ............................................... 149
To Create a Partition .................................................... 122
Scenarios ..................................................................... 125
Deleting Partitions ........................................................ 125
Changing Partition Labels ............................................ 126
Formatting Partitions .................................................... 127
Converting FAT to FAT32 ............................................ 128
Converting FAT to NTFS.............................................. 128
Drive Copy.................................................................... 130
Copying Entire Drives................................................... 130
PHDISK Utility.................................................................... 132
Help Screen.................................................................. 132
CREATE Option ........................................................... 132
Automatic Memory Size Calculation............................. 133
User-specified Memory Size......................................... 133
/Partition or /P............................................................... 133
/CREATE Option Syntax .............................................. 133
REFORMAT Option...................................................... 133
INFO Option ................................................................. 133
PHDISK Sign-on Message........................................... 134
Unrecognized Option.................................................... 134
PHDISK/CREATE Failed to Execute............................ 134
Fatal Error .................................................................... 134
Save-To-Disk Partition Exits......................................... 134
First Two Sectors Bad.................................................. 134
FCC Notice......................................................................... 149
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Part 68
Statement 149
CTR21 Statement............................................................... 151
Canadian Radio Interference Regulations...................... 151
CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT ............................................. 151
Power Cord Requirement ................................................. 152
Appendix B - Important Safety Instruction .................. 155
Battery Disposal................................................................ 157
Appendix C - Abbreviations .......................................... 159
Appendix D - Glossary................................................... 161
Restoring your Computer ............................................. 137
To (re)install your Operating System:.............................. 137
Windows 98:................................................................. 137
Windows NT 4.0 Workstation: ...................................... 138
To (re)install your original applications and drivers:..... 138
Troubleshooting............................................................. 139
Operating Problems .......................................................... 139
Infrared Problems.............................................................. 140
Modem Problems............................................................... 141
Specifications................................................................. 143
System Specifications ...................................................... 143
Recording the Computer Hardware Configuration..... 145
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Chapter 1 - Welcome
Thank you for buying a computer. This User’s Guide is intended for
both first-time and experienced computer users. Please review the following
information to get the most out of this manual.
This manual contains information to instruct and guide you on everyting from
setup and maintenance to configuring the system and creating disk partitions. The
purpose of this manual is to help you enjoy all the features the TransPort LT offers
and information to help you operate and setup the computer for optimal
This manual is designed to assist all users—from beginner to advanced.
The first two chapters are intended for all users. The rest of the manual is targeted
toward the reader who has a basic understanding of how computers work and
how to use them.
If you are new to using computers, see the Glossary for explanations of general
computing terms that are used in this manual. The Glossary also provides
information about some of the differences between notebook computers and
desktop computers.
Further Reading
Areas Covered
Along with this manual you should consult and read all the manuals and
documentation included with all software and hardware applications used with this
Your computer shipped from the factory with several software programs installed.
The software may include its own online or printed documentation. Refer to the
documentation or the Help options in the software for more information.
Getting Started: This section includes a description of the parts you received and
general operating guidelines. This chapter contains important computer use and
computer care considerations to help you get started.
Introducing Your TransPort LT: This section provides a description of the
features of the TransPort LT along with basic operation.
Video Features and Configuration: This section describes the display
capabilities of your computer and information on working with PC cards.
Areas Covered
Using Options: This section provides an overview to numerous options with
which you can increase the uses for your TransPort LT. If you have purchased
accessories, refer to this chapter for instruction, if not, you may want to find out
what kinds of options you have with your TransPort LT.
Drivers and System Resources: This section gives you basic information about
drivers and system IRQs.
Using System Setup: This section describes how to operate the System Setup
Utility that is provided in the computer’s ROM BIOS. No changes should be made
in Setup unless the result of the change is known and understood.
Using System Security: This section describes the security options provided
with your computer.
Using Power Management Options: This section provides information on how
to keep your TransPort LT supplied with power.
Creating a Save-To-Disk Partition: This section describes your computer’s
save-to-disk partition and provides instructions for adding memory modules to
your computer.
Software Utilities: This section explains the MRestore CD, which includes Drive
Image, Partition Magic and Drive Copy--three very powerful software tools--and
the PHDISK (save-to-disk) utility.
Restoring your Computer: This section explains how to restore the Operating
System or drivers.
Troubleshooting: This section provides a simple guide to common
troubleshooting techniques.
Specifications: This section lists the specifications of your TransPort LT.
Recording the Computer Hardware Configuration: Use this section to record
the System Setup program settings.
Manual Conventions
Manual Conventions
The following conventions are used throughout this manual:
Notes: Important information and useful tips concerning the operation of your
Caution: Failure to follow directions could result in loss of data or damage
to equipment. Failure to heed these warnings could negate the user
Warning: Failure to follow directions will result in loss of data or damage to
equipment, and/or could result in physical harm. Failure to heed these
warnings could negate the user warranty.
Special Text
The text if formatted to set off unique information or instructions. Review the
following examples of special text used throughout this manual:
• Screen (window) names, functions, or anything that appears on the screen
is formatted in bold: Click OK, the Standards screen, the Edit menu.
• Keyboard functions are indicated by brackets: Press [Enter], use the [Alt]
key. When keys should be held down symultaniously they are separated by
the + sign: Press [Ctrl+Alt+Delete].
• Screen messages are indicated by quotes: the message “Enter your
username and password” will appear.
• Anything that you need to type in should appear in italics: Enter the word
Manual Comments
We want to make this guide as useful as possible and welcome your comments.
Please provide the page and the manual part number (MAS001602-00) when you
send comments to:
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Getting Started
Unpacking the TransPort LT
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Congratulations on the purchase of your Micron Transport LT notebook computer.
Whether you are new to using a notebook computer or are an experienced user,
this user manual can help you get the most from your computer.
Unpacking the TransPort
The TransPort LT comes securely packaged in a sturdy shipping carton. Open the
box and carefully remove the contents. If anything is missing or damaged, please
contact Micron Electronics immediately. All systems should include the following
• The TransPort LT computer
• An AC adapter
• An AC power cord
• User’s manual
• A CD or DVD-ROM Drive
• A 3.5-inch Floppy Drive
Items included may vary. Please check the packing slip included with your
TransPort LT for the exact items you should have received.
Getting Started
Personal Inventory
This TransPort LT computer system is designed for years of productive and
pleasurable computing. Use this section to keep notes about details of your
purchase. Update this section when you add new options.
Personal Inventory
System Information
Please record your computer’s operating information. If you should require
technical support in the future, the following information will help the Micron
Support Technician locate the specifications for your system and aid in returning it
to normal operation.
Model and Serial Number Information
Purchase Date
Model Number
Serial Number
Order Number
Customer Number
Manual Number
Micron Technical Support: 1-888-FIX-MYPC (1-888-349-6972)
Technical Support File Library:
Micron Electronics, Inc.
900 East Karcher Road
Nampa, Idaho 83687
Technical Support Internet Mail:
1. To send an email to Technical Support visit the Micron Electronics Website:
2. Click on the Support Department for your specific need.
Web site:
Type of LCD screen display:
• 12.1" Color TFT XGA LCD
• 13.1” Color TFT XGA LCD
Getting Started
Heat, Cold, Humidity, and Glare
CPU Type: __________________________________
Hard Disk Capacity: ___________________________
Memory Capacity: ___________________________
If your system arrives in cold weather, do not apply power to the computer until it
has reached room temperature.
Heat, Cold, Humidity, and
Find a spot for your computer that’s not too hot, too cold, too dark, or too bright.
Glare can make it hard to read the screen. Overheating can destroy computer
components, so allow plenty of room for air to circulate around the case. Do not
place your TransPort LT in direct sunlight.
Do not expose the notebook to cold (frost) or heat, do not leave the
notebook in a car, and do not drop it, spill fluids on it, or open the case. This
can destroy the notebook and void the warranty. The system’s Liquid
Crystal Display (LCD) video display may be damaged by exposure to
intense sunlight, which builds up excessive heat inside the display
enclosure. Only exposure to indirect or subdued sunlight is recommended.
Surge Suppressors
Work Location
Your computer has its own electrical filters, fuses, and protections, and even its
own built-in surge suppressor. However we strongly recommend using a high-
quality, external surge suppressor. An external surge suppressor looks like an
extension cord with several grounded outlets. It will help shield your computer
from lightning strikes, surges, shorts, and other electrical hazards.
Your TransPort LT generally will run well in conditions you are comfortable in. But
extremes of temperature and humidity can be challenging to your system’s parts.
There are, however, some things you can tolerate that the computer can’t —
things like static electricity, dust, water, steam, and oil.
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Getting Started
Operating Environment
Operating Environment
You can use your computer under a wide range of environmental conditions.
However, to ensure long use and continued high performance, consider the
following factors when setting up your computer:
• Set the computer on a flat, stable surface. To prevent damage to the
computer’s hard disk drive avoid using the computer where it will be
exposed to strong vibration.
• Place the computer away from electromagnetic or radio frequency
interference (for example, television/stereo sets, copying machines, and air
• Avoid using or storing the computer where it will be exposed to extreme
temperatures. In particular, do not leave the computer in direct sunlight,
over a radiator, or near a heat source for a long period of time. High
temperature can damage the circuitry.
• Avoid exposing the computer to high or low humidity. Extreme humidity can
contribute to disk drive failure.
• If you are using the computer with the AC adapter, do not allow anything to
rest on the power cord. Do not place the computer where people can step
on or trip over the cord.
• The openings on the computer are provided to protect the computer from
overheating. To ensure reliable operation, leave about 10 cm (4 inches)
around the computer for unobstructed air circulation. Avoid exposing the
computer to dust or smoke.
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Introducing Your TransPort LT
TransPort LT Features
Chapter 3 - Introducing Your TransPort LT
Your computer is a lightweight portable computer that includes features to meet
your computing needs at home or on the road.
TransPort LT Features
Figure 1, Figure 2, and Figure 3 illustrate the features of your computer.
Cover latch
Status lights
Power button
Volume control
Touchpad &
Mouse Buttons
Kensington lock
CD-ROM drive
Status lights
Battery compartment
Figure 1. Front and Right view of Computer
Introducing Your TransPort LT
TransPort LT Features
Hard drive
PC Card compartment
Fan vent
Infrared port
Modem jack
Figure 2. Bottom View of Computer
Serial port
USB port
mouse and
LAN port
Parallel port
Video port
Figure 3. Back View of Computer
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Using Your Computer for the First Time
Using Your Computer for
the First Time
This section gives you detailed information on using your computer for the first
Your computer runs on power from the battery in the computer or from an
electrical outlet. The first time that you use your computer, fully charge the battery
by attaching the power cord to the computer and to an electrical outlet.
Connecting the AC Adapter
To attach the power cord:
1. Plug the AC adapter into the power connector on the back side of the computer
(Figure 4).
2. Connect the power cord to the AC adapter and then to an electrical outlet.
Power connector
AC Adapter
Power cord
Figure 4. Connecting the AC Adapter
The battery starts charging as soon as you plug the power cord into an electrical
outlet. The battery charges faster if the computer is off.
If the battery is fully depleted and the computer is turned off, the battery charges
in about two and a half hours. If the computer is turned on, the battery charges in
about four hours. When the battery is charging, the battery charge light is amber.
When the battery is fully charged, the light turns green.
See ”Using the Battery” on page 41 for more information on using your computer’s
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Using Your Computer for the First Time
The best kind of AC power source to connect your TransPort LT to is a UPS
(Uninterrupted Power Supply). If you do not have an UPS, use a power strip
with a built-in surge protector. Do not use inferior extension cords as this
may result in damage to your TransPort LT. The TransPort LT comes with
its own AC adapter. Do not use a different adapter to power the computer,
and do not use the AC adapter to power other electrical devices. Damage to
the computer that is caused by using a different power source will not be
covered under warranty.
Turning on the TransPort LT
To turn on the computer’s power for the first time:
1. Push the cover latches on the front of the cover to the right and hold.
2. Lift up the cover.
3. Press and then release the power button (Figure 5).
The power light is green when the computer’s power is on.
Cover latch
Power button
Power light
Figure 5. Turning On the Computer’s Power
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Understanding POST
Never turn off or reset your TransPort LT while the hard disk or floppy disk
is in use and the FDD and/or HDD status icon is lit; doing so can result in
loss or destruction of your data. Always wait at least five seconds after
turning off your TransPort LT before turning it back on. Turning the power
on and off in rapid succession can damage the TransPort LT’s electrical
Before you run your system for the first time on battery power, recharge the
battery fully to prepare the battery pack for maximum service. When
selecting a suitable working location, please consider the ventilation,
temperature, dust and dirt, plus electromagnetic and RF interference. The
selected location should provide a sturdy and reasonably level surface with
at least four inches of open space around the computer cabinet for proper
airflow. Your computer functions best at room temperature. Choose a
location free from extreme heat or cold.
Except for PC cards, never connect or disconnect any equipment or
components while the system power is on.
It is important not to operate the notebook on soft surfaces--such as a bed--
as this will cover the ventilation holes of the notebook.
There is one fan on the left side of the notebook, which will turn on when the
CPU temperature exceeds 60 degrees Celsius. The fan will turn off when the
CPU temperature is below 50 degrees Celsius.
If the temperature continues to rise above the CPU allowable limit--either
due to a defective fan, or the notebook being operated in an excessively hot
environment, or a soft surface that covers the ventilation holes--then the
notebook will shut down and all unsaved data will be lost.
Understanding POST
When you turn on your computer, a procedure called POST (Power-On Self-Test)
automatically runs to test the computer components. Several messages appear
on the screen during POST.
Screen messages are built into the computer to report both normal and abnormal
system conditions. If an error message appears, take any action suggested in the
message. If the message identifies the error condition but does not suggest any
corrective action, write down the message and contact Technical
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Adjusting the LCD Display
Support (1.888.FIXMYPC or 1.888.349.6972). (See ”Troubleshooting” on page
Adjusting the LCD Display
You may wish to adjust the LCD (Liquid-Crystal Display) when you begin using
your computer. A TFT (Thin-Film Transistor) LCD does not require adjustment for
contrast because the contrast is set to remain at maximum.
To adjust the LCD:
• Press [Fn+Up Arrow] to increase the display brightness.
• Press [Fn+Down Arrow] to decrease the display brightness.
Turning Off Your Computer
When the AC adapter is removed and the system is using battery power, the
brightness level will decrease.
If your computer has a Windows (98, NT 4.0, 2000) Operating System, turn off
your computer by performing the shutdown procedure described in this section.
Otherwise, you may lose data.
APM Mode
Advanced Power Management (APM)
To turn off the computer:
1. Click Start on the taskbar.
2. Click Shut Down.
3. Select the Shut Down option.
4. Click OK.
• If the Operating System is Windows 98 or Windows 2000, the computer
turns off.
• If the Operating System is Windows NT, you will receive a shutdown
message and you must press the power button to turn off the computer.
Restarting Your Computer
You may need to restart (reboot) your computer when installing hardware or
software or if the computer does not respond to your input. A warm (or soft) boot
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Tips for Using Your Computer
prompts you to save your files, turns off the computer, and then restarts the
computer. A cold boot turns off the computer without saving your files.
To perform a warm (or soft) boot:
1. Click Start on the taskbar.
2. Click Shut Down.
3. Select the Restart option.
4. Click OK or Yes.
5. Save your files if prompted. Your computer will reboot.
Do not perform a cold boot unless your keyboard and touchpad have no effect
and you cannot perform a warm boot. When you perform a cold boot, you will lose
data unless it was saved to a storage medium.
You can also perform a soft boot by saving your files and pressing [Ctrl+Alt+Del].
You can perform a cold (or hard) boot by pressing the power button to turn the
computer off, waiting ten seconds, and then pressing the power button to turn the
computer on.
Tips for Using Your
The following information will help you avoid potential problems as you use your
Transport LT:
Do not try to disassemble your computer. Opening the system chassis
voids your warranty. Only an authorized manufacturer service center can
replace or add any parts inside the chassis. For more information, contact Technical Support at 1-888-FIX-MYPC (1-888-349-6972).
• Follow all the instructions and cautions in your computer user
• The LCD has a polarized surface and can be damaged easily. To prevent
damage, avoid touching the screen.
• Use only approved AC adapters, auto adapters, memory
modules and other options.
• Because a notebook computer is small and has restricted air flow around
components, it is more likely to overheat than a desktop computer. A fan
inside your computer runs when needed to help eliminate some heat. Make
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Traveling with Your Computer
sure the fan vent on the right side of your computer is not blocked when
you use the computer. (See Figure 1 on page 17 and Figure 2 on page 18
for the location of the vent.) Occasionally check the vents and remove any
accumulated dust on the outside.
• Avoid using or storing the computer in extremely hot or cold areas, such as
a car on a hot day. Keep the computer away from heaters and out of direct
sunlight. Exposure to excessive heat may damage computer components.
• If you have left your computer in a hot place, let it cool down slowly to room
temperature (with the LCD panel open) before using it.
• Do not remove the memory-module compartment door, or try to install a
memory module when the computer is on. (See ”Installing a Memory
Module” on page 65 for the location of the door.) (For information on
installing memory modules, see “Installing a Memory Module” on page 65.)
• Set up your computer work area to avoid physical strain. Sit with your back
straight and supported by your chair. Adjust your chair or work table so that
your arms and wrists can remain in a relaxed position, parallel with the
floor. Avoid bending or twisting your wrists as you work. Your hands should
“float” slightly above the keyboard. Refer to a book on office ergonomics for
more information on setting up your work area.
• Take frequent breaks from working at the computer to rest your eyes and
stretch your muscles.
• Remember to save your data files frequently and to make backup copies of
your files.
Traveling with Your
If you are traveling by airplane, follow these tips:
• Take the computer with you as carry-on luggage. Do not check the
computer with your baggage.
• Allow the computer and disks to go through the X-ray security devices. Do
not hand-carry disks through the walk-through metal detectors, this can
cause data loss.
• Make sure that the battery is charged or the power cord is easily
accessible. You may be required to turn on the computer for airport security
• Be prepared to turn off the computer during take off and landing.
• Contact your airline for information about using an optional airline adapter
to power your computer while traveling by airplane.
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Handling Spills
Handling Spills
Do not spill anything on your computer. The best way to avoid spills is to avoid
eating and drinking around your computer. If you do spill something on your
computer, turn off your computer, unplug it immediately, and do the following:
• If you spill liquid on the keyboard, drain as much of the liquid from the
keyboard as possible. Be careful not to let the liquid drip onto the LCD
panel. Allow the system to dry for several days before trying to use it.
• If you spill liquid on an external keyboard or keypad, unplug it and drain as
much of the liquid as possible. Allow the keyboard to sit at room
temperature for a full day before trying to use it.
Sweet liquids leave a sticky residue that may jam the keyboard despite your
efforts to dry it.
• If you spill liquid on the LCD panel, clean it immediately with a soft cloth
and denatured alcohol. Do not use water, acetone, aromatic solvent, or dry,
rough towels to clean it.
Some liquids damage the polarized LCD screen. If your screen is damaged,
contact your authorized manufacturer’s service center for a replacement.
Storing the Computer for
Long Periods
If possible, leave the power cord connected to the computer and an electrical
outlet when the computer is not in use. This extends the life of the battery and
keeps the battery fully charged.
If you will not be using the computer for a long period of time (a month or more),
you should charge the battery until it is completely full. After you have done so,
remove the battery from the unit.
Using the Keyboard
Your computer has an 87 key keyboard (Figure 6). By pressing designated key
combinations, you can have access to all the key functions of a full-sized
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Using the Keyboard
Function and Special Purpose Hotkeys
Embedded Numeric Keypad
Internet Key
Function Key
Cursor and Screen
Control Keys
Figure 6. Keyboard
Although the layout of the keys on your computer’s keyboard is different from that
of a desktop computer’s keyboard, the keyboard feels like a full-sized keyboard
when you use it. The distance between the keys (the pitch) is the same as on a
full-size keyboard (19 mm).
The keys on the keyboard can be grouped into the following categories:
• Full-sized Alphanumeric typewriter keys are arranged like a standard
typewriter keyboard and are used for text entry. The Windows keys on the
left side of the spacebar open the Windows Start menu and perform other
special functions. The Internet key on the right side of the space bar is
used to start your Internet browser.
• Function keys, when pressed together with the [Fn] key, enable special
• Cursor and Screen control keys move the cursor. They may perform other
functions, depending on your software.
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Using the Keyboard
Using the Embedded Numeric
Your keyboard includes a numeric keypad, which is a group of keys that you can
set to type numbers and mathematical symbols, such as the plus sign (Figure 7).
A number or symbol on the right corner of each keypad key shows its numeric
Figure 7. Numeric Keypad
Press [Num Lock] to turn on the embedded numeric keypad. The numeric
functions of the keypad are enabled and the Num Lock light turns on. (See
”System Status Lights” on page 29 for the location of the Num Lock light.)
While the numeric functions are enabled, you can temporarily return a key to its
normal function by pressing [NumLock].
To turn the numeric keypad off, press [Num Lock] again. The Num Lock light turns
Using Special Function Keys
The [Fn] key activates special functions when it is pressed in combination with
another key. Table 1 shows the special key combinations.
TABLE 1. Description of Special Function Keys
[Fn] Key
Status: Displays the battery gauge in the upper-right corner of
your screen. The gauge closes in a few seconds, or you can
press [Esc] to close the gauge. (See ”Using the Battery Gauge”
on page 44 for more information on the battery gauge.).
LCD/CRT: Switches the display between the LCD, the external
monitor, and simultaneous display on both the LCD and the
external monitor.
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Using the Touchpad
Standby: Puts the computer into standby mode. To resume
normal operation from standby, press the power button.
KeyLock: Locks the keyboard and activates password protection.
Type your password and press [Enter] to unlock the keyboard.
The [Fn+F5] key combination has no effect unless a password is
enabled and Password on boot is enabled in System Setup. The
Num Lock, Caps Lock, and Scroll Lock lights blink when the
keyboard is locked.
Scroll Lock: In some applications, sets the cursor-control keys to
scroll the page up or down while the cursor position does not
change. Pressing [Fn+F10] again turns off the scrolling function.
Brightness up: Increases the LCD brightness.
Brightness down: Decreases the LCD brightness.
When you press a function key combination, the system sound may be
temporarily muted or repeat.
Using the Touchpad
Your computer is equipped with a touchpad, which is an integrated-pointing
device that is used to perform standard mouse functions (Figure 8). The touchpad
is an advanced and reliable pointing device that works with the touch of your
Mouse buttons
Figure 8. Using the Touchpad
Table 2 explains how to use the touchpad.
Press on the touchpad gently. The touchpad responds to light pressure.
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Reading the System Status Lights
TABLE 2. Using the Touchpad
Mouse Action
How To
Move cursor
Place your finger on the touchpad and slide your finger
in the direction you want the cursor to move. The faster
you move your finger, the faster the cursor moves
across the screen.
Tap the touchpad once with your finger.
Tap the touchpad twice with one finger.
Scroll up/down
Place you finger on the right hand side of the touchpad
and slide it up or down to scroll the current window.
Scroll left/right
Place you finger on the bottom of the touchpad and
slide it left or right to scroll the current window.
You can use the buttons below the touchpad in the same way you would use
standard mouse buttons. For more information on these features and other
features supported by your mouse driver such as button assignment, see the
Mouse properties in the Control Panel.
For information on attaching and using another pointing device or keyboard with
your Transport LT, see “Connecting Peripheral Devices” on page 31.
Reading the System Status
System Status lights show the status of computer functions. The lights appear on
the left edge of the computer and left side of the power button (Figure 9).
Figure 9. System Status Lights
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Reading the System Status Lights
Table 3 describes the meaning of the lights.
TABLE 3. System Status Lights
Function of Light
E-mail: Light is on when e-mail arrives.
To enable this function, you need to register your E-mail Account in
the Register E-mail Account window. Select Start >Program >
StartUp > Internet Launcher to register an E-mail account. This is
currently only available in WIndows 98.
Power light: Light is green when the computer is on.
Battery charge light: When the power cord is connected, the light
indicates the battery’s charge status. The light is amber when the
battery is charging normally. The light is green when the battery is
fully charged. (See ”Charging the Battery” on page 41 for more
information about charging the battery.)
Num Lock light: The light is on when the embedded numeric keypad
is activated. See ”Using the Embedded Numeric Keypad” on page
27 for a description of the keypad.
Caps Lock light: The light is on when the caps lock function is
activated. When the function is activated, all alphabetic characters
you type will be in upper case.
Scroll Lock light: The light is on when the scroll lock function is
activated. The scroll lock function affects cursor movement and text
scrolling in some applications. This is a software specific function.
Refer to the appropriate software manuals for a description of the
[Scroll Lock] key.
Drive light: The light is on when the hard drive or floppy drive is being
accessed. Do not turn your computer off when this light is on. When
the light is amber, the floppy drive is being accessed. When the light
is green, the hard drive is being accessed. For a CD-ROM or DVD-
ROM drive, check the light on the drive itself to see if the drive is
being accessed.
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Connecting Peripheral Devices
Connecting Peripheral
The connectors on your computer enable you to attach peripheral devices to the
computer (Figure 10).
Turn off your computer before you connect a peripheral device. Connecting
a peripheral device with your computer turned on may seriously damage the
device or your computer and may void the warranty.
Serial port
USB port
mouse and
LAN port
Parallel port
Video port
Infrared port
Modem jack
Figure 10. Peripheral Connectors
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Connecting Peripheral Devices
Table 4 shows the icons located near each connector and describes the devices
that you can attach to the connectors.
TABLE 4. Connecting Peripheral Devices
PS/2 (Personal System/2) mouse and keyboard port: Connect a
PS/2-compatible mouse or external keyboard or keypad to this
port. Make sure your computer is turned off when you attach
peripherals to the port.
You can use the computer’s touchpad and a PS/2 keyboard at the
same time, see PS/2 Mouse Configuration in the “Advanced
Menu” on page 81 for more information
Microphone jack: Connect an external microphone to this jack. A
microphone connected to this jack overrides the internal
Line-in jack: An input for external audio.
Headphone jack: Connect stereo headphones or speakers to this
jack. Speakers connected to this jack override the internal
Power connector: Plug in the AC adapter to run the computer and
charge the battery, see “Connecting the AC Adapter” on page 19.
LAN (Local Area Network) port (Optional): Connect LAN cable to
this port.
Serial port: Plug a serial device, such as a serial mouse, into this 9-
pin port. If the device has a 25-pin connector, you need a 25-to-9-
pin serial adapter.
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Using the Flex-Bay
Parallel port: Plug a parallel device, such as a parallel printer or
network adapter, into this 25-pin port.
Video port: Plug the interface cable of an external monitor into this
15-pin connector and then plug the monitor power cord into a
grounded outlet.
USB (universal serial bus) port: Connect USB devices to this port.
USB input/output devices include keyboards, pointing devices,
monitors and external FDD module.
Modem jack: Connect a telephone line to connect to the Internet or
send/receive faxes, see “Using the Modem” on page 46 for more
Port Replicator: Connect a port replicator (Optional) to this
connector. See ”Port Replicator” on page 68 for more information.
If your computer’s Operating System is Windows 98 or Windows 2000, you can
use the USB port. The Windows NT 4.0 Operating System does not support USB.
Using the Flex-Bay
Your computer includes the Flex-Bay, a peripheral bay that can hold one of the
following devices:
• Floppy disk drive
• CD-ROM drive: shipped with some computers and also available as an
• DVD-ROM: shipped with some computers and also available as an option.
• Optional secondary battery: available as an option for your computer.
• LS-120: available as an option.
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Using the Flex-Bay
If your Operating System is Windows 98, you can use the SmartBay Utility
to hot-swap the devices. If you do not use Windows 98, make sure that the
computer’s power is off before you remove or install any devices.
To Remove a Device from the Flex-
1. Turn the computer’s power off.
2. Close the LCD panel, and turn the computer over so that the bottom of the unit
faces up.
3. Pull up on the Flex-Bay latch and pull the device from the bay (Figure 11).
Flex-Bay latch
Figure 11. Removing a Device from the Flex-Bay
4. Remove the device out of the bay.
To Install a Device in the Flex-Bay
1. Turn the computer off.
2. Place the device into the bay.
3. Push the device in until it is flush with the chassis.
4. Push down on the Flex-Bay latch until the latch snaps into place.
Your computer’s Operating System automatically recognizes the device in the
Flex-Bay and configures your computer accordingly.
Using the SmartBay Utility
If your computer shipped with Windows 98, you can use the SmartBay utility to
hot-swap your devices in the flex-bay. Currently SmartBay is not functional in
Windows NT and Windows 2000.
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Using the Floppy Drive
To start the SmartBay utility:
1. Click the Start button on the Windows taskbar.
2. Select SmartBay Hotswap Utility.
To remove a device:
1. Open the SmartBay Hotswap Utility.
2. Select Remove Device and click OK.
3. Click Yes on the confirmation screen
4. Remove the device by either disconnecting the cable from the computer or
from the device.
5. Click OK.
To insert a device:
1. Open the SmartBay Hotswap Utility.
2. Select Insert Device and click OK.
3. Connect the device to the computer using the device cable. Make sure all
connectors are correctly attached.
4. Click OK to allow your computer to detect the device.
If the computer does not detect the device, remove the device and re-install it.
Make sure to pay careful attention to the procedures to insure the device is
installed correctly.
Using the Floppy Drive
Your computer comes with a 1.44 MB, 3.5-inch, high-density floppy drive, which
can read, write to, and format the following disks:
• A high-density, 3.5-inch disk, which stores 1.44 MB (megabytes) of data.
• A double-density, 3.5-inch disk, which stores 720 KB (kilobytes) of data.
The floppy drive in your notebook computer is smaller, but more power-efficient,
than a floppy drive in a desktop computer. To get the best performance from your
floppy drive use high-quality floppy disks, such as those available at http://www.e-
The computer is shipped from the factory with both a floppy drive and a CD-ROM
or DVD-ROM drive included.
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Using the Floppy Drive
The external USB FDD Drive is recognized as the last drive. For example,
the drive letter will be E: in case the CD-ROM drive is installed into Flex Bay.
To use the floppy drive and the CD-ROM at the same time, install the CD-ROM
drive in the Flex-Bay. Then attach one end of the USB cable to the floppy drive
compartment and the other to the external USB port on the computer. (Figure 12)
The USB Floppy Drive is an optional item in Windows 98 and WIndows 2000.
USB port
Floppy drive
Figure 12. Inserting a Floppy Disk
If you want to use the floppy disk drive within the computer, then detach the floppy
disk drive from the external FDD drive compartment and insert the floppy disk
drive into the Flex-Bay. See ”Using the Flex-Bay” on page 33.
The floppy drive light is on when the computer writes to or reads from a floppy
disk. Do not remove a disk when this light is on.
To protect the data on your floppy disks, follow these guidelines:
• Keep disks away from excessive heat, direct sunlight, and liquids.
• Keep magnets and any device that contains a magnet (like the telephone)
away from your disks.
Magnetic fields can destroy the information on a disk.
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Using the CD-ROM Drive
• Do not write directly on a label on your disk; instead, write on a disk label
first and then attach the label to the disk.
• Make copies of all your important disks.
Using the CD-ROM Drive
Compact Disc Drives are designed so that you can easily insert one into the
computer when you need it, and then remove it. See ”Using the Flex-Bay” on
page 33 for information on installing the CD-ROM drive into the Flex-Bay type
1. Press the button on the CD-ROM drive, and the tray slides out. (Do not lean on
the tray; it does not support much weight.)
If the tray fails to slide out it may be stuck, in which you can use the
emergency eject button to open the CD-ROM. Turn the computer’s power
off. Straighten out a paper clip (or some other similar object), insert it into
the small hole in the front of the CD-ROM to press the button. The CD-ROM
should eject.
2. Insert a CD (compact disc), label side up (or remove a disc, if you have
finished using it).
3. Push the tray in gently to close the drive tray (Figure 13).
A light on the drive tray is on when the computer is reading from a CD. Do not
remove a disc when this light is on.
Emergency eject button
Eject button
CD-ROM Light
Figure 13. Using the CD-ROM Drive
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Using the CD-ROM Drive
Install and start a CD-based program in the same way you would run a program
on a floppy disk. See your Operating System documentation for more information
on running programs.
The name of the CD-ROM drive is the letter following the letter assigned to your
last hard drive. For instance, if you have one hard drive with two hard drive
partitions, the hard drives are drives C and D and the CD-ROM drive is drive E.
Your Transport LT comes from the factory with the CD/DVD set as R:\.
Do not place reflective objects in the disc slot because of possible
hazardous laser emissions. The laser beam used in this CD-ROM drive is
harmful to the eyes. Do not attempt to disassemble the CD-ROM drive.
The on-board audio hardware and software of your computer enable the
computer to play audio compact discs. If you wish to do so, you can attach
external speakers to the Headphone jack.
To play an audio compact disc:
1. Insert a compact disc into your CD-ROM drive.
2. Press the button on the CD-ROM drive.
3. When the tray slides out, insert a CD, label side up.
4. Close the drive tray. The CD Player button appears on the task bar. The disc
begins to play.
A light on the drive tray is on when the computer plays a CD. Do not remove a
disc when this light is on.
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Using the Hard Drive
To remove the CD:
1. Click the CD Player button on the Windows task bar to open the CD Player
window (Figure 14).
Figure 14. CD Player Window
2. Click the Stop button in the CD Player window.
3. Click the Eject button on the CD Player window or press the button on your
CD-ROM drive. The drive tray opens and you can remove the disc from the
CD-ROM drive. For more information on playing compact discs, see the Help
menu in the CD Player window.
Using the Hard Drive
Your computer includes a removable IDE (integrated drive electronics) hard drive.
The IDE hard drive can store the data and programs your computer uses. The
drive plugs into a connector on the system board.
Although the storage capacity of hard drives vary according to the model, any
hard drive holds much more than a floppy disk does. Also, the computer reads
and works with a hard drive more rapidly than with a floppy disk.
Once information is saved on a hard drive, it remains there until it is overwritten.
Hard drive heads park automatically when you turn off your computer.
The hard drive that comes with your computer has already been formatted.
Do not format the hard drive. Doing so destroys all data contained on the
drive. If you need to format a new drive, or want to erase all data on your
existing hard drive, refer to the manual for your Operating System.
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Using the Hard Drive
Although Windows 98 can work with FAT-16 or FAT-32 (a 32-bit file allocation
table), your computer has been supplied with FAT-32. Older software that you
may have (16-bit software) may require FAT-16 to run. Similarly, Windows NT 4.0
can use FAT-16 or NTFS (the Windows NT file system). There are utilities
included with Windows 98 and Windows 2000 to convert from FAT-16 to FAT-32
or NTFS (Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000), see the documentation included
with your Operating System for more information.
The MRestore disk includes Partition Magic that also allows you to convert
partitions. For more information, see “MRestore CD-ROM” on page 99.
It is not possible to convert from FAT-32 or NTFS to FAT-16 without
reformatting your hard drive.
Removing the Hard Drive
To prevent loss of data and damage to the disk, do not remove the hard
drive while the computer’s power is on and do not drop or jar the hard drive.
To remove the hard drive from the computer:
1. If you are installing a new hard drive, backup the application and data files on
the old hard drive before removing it from the computer.
2. Turn the computer off.
3. Close the LCD panel, and turn the computer over so that the bottom of the unit
faces up.
4. Remove the screw that holds the hard drive in place (Figure 15).
Bottom of
Figure 15. Removing the Hard Drive
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Using the Battery
5. Pull the hard drive out of the computer.
Only install a hard drive that is thinner than 9.5 mm in this computer.
Installing a Hard Drive
To install a hard drive:
1. Remove the old hard drive from the computer as described in the previous
2. Slide the new drive into the hard drive compartment. Make sure the drive is
pushed back as far as it will go.
3. Install the screw that holds the hard drive in place.
4. If you intend to use save-to-disk mode, see “Creating a Save-To-Disk Partition”
on page 97.
5. Format your drive and reinstall your files. See ”MCRC (Micron Customer
Resource Center)” on page 99 for instructions on re-installing the Operating
System and drivers for your Transport LT notebook computer.
Using the Battery
Your computer uses a smart rechargeable Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery pack for
power when the AC adapter is not attached to an electrical outlet. The smart
battery gives an accurate measurement of the current battery capacity which
helps extend operating time by enabling effective power management in
Operating Systems that take advantage of the accurate information supplied by
the battery.
Charging the Battery
Your computer’s battery starts charging automatically when you connect the
power to the computer and to an electrical outlet. If the computer is off, the battery
charges faster than if the computer’s power is on.
Approximate charging times for Li-Ion (Ni-MH) battery are:
• Two and a half (2.5) hours with the computer off.
• Four (4) hours with the computer on.
While the battery is charging normally, the battery charge light on the computer is
amber (See ”System Status Lights” on page 29 for the location of the battery
charge light). When the battery is fully charged, the light changes to green.
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Using the Battery
When you use a new battery pack for the first time or use a battery after a long
period of storage, the initial battery life is shorter than normal. Normal battery life
resumes after a few discharge-recharge cycles.
Follow these rules for charging your battery:
• A battery normally discharges power when not used for long periods of
time. Be sure to recharge the battery every two months when it is not in
• Make it a practice to discharge your battery fully before recharging the
battery. This can help extend the life of the battery.
• Do not attempt to charge the battery in temperatures of under 41o F (5o C)
or over 95o F (35oC.)
All batteries eventually wear out and lose the ability to hold a charge. You may
need to replace your battery pack after a year of average usage.
Safely Using the Battery
Follow these guidelines to safely use the battery:
• Turn off your computer and unplug it if you accidentally:
• Expose the equipment to liquid.
• Drop, jar, or damage the computer.
• Do not disassemble the battery, heat it above 212° F (100° C), or burn it.
The battery used in this computer may cause a fire or chemical burn if
• Your computer's rechargeable battery may be considered hazardous
waste. If you replace your battery with a new one:
• Keep the old battery out of the reach of children.
• Dispose of the old battery promptly.
• Make sure that you follow all local requirements when you dispose of
the old battery.
Removing the Battery
Your computer comes with the battery pack inserted in the computer. To remove
the battery from the computer:
1. Turn the computer off.
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Using the Battery
2. Close the LCD panel, and turn the
computer over so that the bottom of
the unit faces up.
3. Push down the battery latch and
hold it, then pull the battery pack
from the computer. (Figure 16)
Figure 16. Removing the Battery Pack
To install the battery pack:
Installing the Battery
1. With the computer’s power off, close the LCD panel and turn the computer
over so the bottom of the unit faces up.
2. Slide the battery pack into the compartment. Make sure the battery is fully
inserted into the compartment.
Figure 17. Installing the Battery
Insert the battery into the battery compartment, ensuring the correct
orientation so that the battery fits in its slot properly.
Battery life is effected by factors such as the power-management settings in
System Setup, the applications you use, and the brightness settings of the LCD.
Under normal usage, the battery charge lasts approximately two and a half hours.
Monitoring the Battery Charge
Battery life estimates are subject to variation. The actual life of your battery may
be less than the estimates given in this manual.
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Using the Battery Gauge
Using the Battery
You can monitor the charge of the battery pack installed in your computer through
the battery gauge.
Press [Fn+F2] to display the battery gauge on the LCD. You can display the
battery gauge while you are in any program.
The gauge has four sections:
• The top/left section of the gauge indicates whether the
secondary battery is used or not. If it is used, the two digit
decimal number that represents the status of secondary
battery charge remaining.
• The top/right section indicates the approximate
amount of the primary battery charge remaining.
• The bottom/left section of the gauge shows you
current PMS (Power management Setting) status which
is set in the system setup. It shows Off when the AC
adapter is plugged in.
• The bottom/right section indicates whether the
computer is being powered by the battery or by the AC
adapter. An icon of a power cord plug indicates an
internal AC adapter power source and a battery icon
(shown) indicates a battery power source.
While the battery gauge is displayed, all keys except [Esc] are disabled. The
battery gauge closes in a few seconds, or you can press [Esc] to close it.
Using PowerProfiler to Monitor
the Battery
Use PowerProfiler to set power-management options for computers shipped with
Windows NT installed. To use PowerProfiler to monitor the battery charge, place
the cursor on the battery icon in the right corner of the task bar. PowerProfiler
shows you the amount of battery charge remaining.
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Using the Battery
To set battery monitoring options in PowerProfiler:
1. Double-click the PowerProfiler battery icon to open the software.
2. Click the Battery tab.
3. Set options under Battery Status and Alarm Settings.
For more information on PowerProfiler, see the Help option in the PowerProfiler
Battery Warnings
Your computer gives you the following low-battery warnings (Table 5).
TABLE 5. Battery Warnings
Action to Take
The computer beeps 5
Battery low: The battery
charge is about 10
percent. Approximately
5–10 minutes of battery
charge is left.
Save your work. Use the
power cord to power the
computer or turn off the
computer and install a fully
charged battery.
The computer beeps 5
Battery very low: The
Use the power cord to
power the computer and
charge the battery.
times, with a short time battery charge is about 5
between beeps. After a percent.
short time, the computer
automatically goes into
rest mode.
The above features are valid with Windows 95/98 APM compliant Operating
Systems. In the case of a Windows 98 or any other ACPI compliant Operating
System which is running on APM interface, you should adjust the battery alarm
features by using the Operating Systems power management program (Control
Panel > Power management in Windows 98).
Windows 98 and WIndows 2000 can operate in APM or ACPI mode, in the APM
mode you should select the Rest mode of the low battery situations (Power On
Suspend/Save-to-Disk) in BIOS setup. See “Power Menu” on page 84.
If you cannot run your computer from the battery and the battery will not charge
when you attach the power cord, the problem may be that:
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Using the Modem
• The battery temperature is below 41° F (5° C) or over 95° F (35° C). If you
think the battery temperature is too hot or too cold, turn off the computer,
remove the battery, and let the battery reach room temperature. Then try
charging the battery again.
• The battery is defective. Replace the battery with a new battery.
Using the Modem
All TransPort LT notebooks ship with an internal modem installed. The
combination Modem/NIC is optional.
Precautions Before Use
The Transport LT Modem with a PCI interface does not support DOS mode. You
can use DOS box in Windows 98 instead of pure DOS mode.
If you connect the modem to the digital key-phone line, the modem will be
Using the modem on a PBX system
(Key-phone system)
If you use a simple terminal program you should type ATX3&W or ATX3
command as an initialization command.
If you use a Windows Communication Program follow the instructions below.
1. Click the Start button and then point to Settings.
2. Click Control Panel.
3. Double-click the Modems icon and the click Properties button at the General
4. Check the Wait for dial tone before dialing check box at the Connection
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Using the Modem
Figure 18. Modem Properties Dialog Box
5. Click OK to close the dialog box.
6. Click OK to close Modem Properties dialog box.
There are different standards regarding 56K technology.
Description of 56K
• K56Flex
Technology developed by Rockwell Semiconductor Systems and Lucent
• X2
Technology developed by USR (US Robotics, now 3Com)
K56Flex and X2 are not interoperable.
• V.90 Standard.
In February 1998, The ITU-T (ITU Telecommunication Standardization
Sector) agreed on the technical specifications for 56K modems (V.90) and
has approved in mid-September, 1998. But, the modem driver can be
updated to resolve fine points of operation between different vendor's
modems and unusual telephone line conditions.
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Using the Modem
1. Due to FCC limitations, speeds of 53kbps are the maximum permissible
transmit power levels during download transmissions. Actual data speeds will vary
depending on line conditions.
2. In order to use the 56K feature, be sure to check if the standards supported by
the on-line service provider and the modem are identical.
If you use a PBX phone system, you cannot connect using the 56K mode due to
line loss.
Modem Specifications
• Data communications.
• V.90, K56Flex, V.34+, V.34, V.32bis, V.32, V22bis, V.22, V.21,
• Data throughput speed
• 56,000 bps ~ 28,000 bps (V.90, downstream only, step: about 1333
• 56,000 bps ~ 32,000 bps (K56Flex, downstream only, step: 2000 bps)
• 33,600 bps ~ 2,400 bps (step: 2400 bps)
• 1,200 bps
• 300 bps
• Fax mode support.
V.29, V.27ter, V.21ch2, V.17
• Fax throughput speed.
14400, 12000, 9600, 7200, 4800, 2400, 300
• Data compression feature.
V.42bis, MNP CLASS 5
• Data correction feature.
• Fax capacity.
• Plug and Play feature.
Microsoft Windows 95/98 Plug and Play Support
• PCI 2.1, PPMI 1.0 support
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Installing the Modem Driver in Windows 95/98
Installing the Modem
Driver in Windows 95/98
You can install the modem drive as shown in the following instructions. Refer to
the MRestore CD that comes with your Transport LT for Modem installation
instructions for your Operating System.
Modem Commands
The Transport LT Modem includes the basic commands used by the Smart
Modem of the Hayes Corporation. Additional commands are added to improve its
What are AT commands?
AT commands are the control commands of Fax modems developed by the
Hayes Corporation. AT commands are the industry standard and are necessary
for any fax modem. It is used with S-register to set the modem status.
Generally, AT commands are used by directly entering the command into any
communications program, like Hyper terminal.
You can perform the following functions more easily by using AT commands.
• Calling up or hanging up the phone in order to communicate by computer
• Choosing a modem in order to make the most efficient communication
Communication programs are becoming more efficient and more intelligent, and
users do not need to know all the AT commands. Knowing a few basic commands
is enough for computer communications.
Before Using AT Commands
To use AT commands, enter them into terminal-based communication programs
directly. (Hyper terminal within Windows 98 and Windows NT, and third party
communication programs like CrossTalk and Procomm.)
CompuServe and America On-line applications are not terminal-based
communication programs, but they are communication programs based on
Graphic environment. These programs, and those like them, can initiate the
modem setting by entering an AT command in a menu with a modem initialization
Before using AT commands you have to know there are two kinds of modes when
you use it.
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Installing the Modem Driver in Windows 95/98
Command Mode
If you turn on your computer and start communication by a communication
program, you can see a prompt on the terminal screen. Under such conditions,
you can use AT commands like calling, etc.
In command mode, you can call by using AT commands and communicate with
others by connecting to other modems. You can call this status Data mode or On-
line mode. In data mode, you cannot use any AT commands except the +++
command, which has +++ at the head.
If you stop communication and disconnect the phone, the Fax modem will run in
command mode again.
Using Command Mode during Communications
Sometimes, you have to use AT commands while you're communicating with
others via modem. In this case, you can use +++ commands for AT commands
without hanging up your telephone. Pressing '+' three times makes fax modem
change to command mode. The telephone will not be disconnected. (Do not press
the [Enter] key after input +++).
If you want to return to Data Mode, the connection may be lost depending
on the server.
If you want return to Data mode from command mode, you only have to input ATO
and press the [Enter] key to start the communications again.
The mode cannot be transferred from the command mode to the data mode
depending on the server.
Using AT commands
AT commands can be used in the following way. There's no difference between
capital letters and small letters, and all commands should include 'AT' as a prefix
except ones which include 'A/' instead.
Also, Carriage Returns saved in the S3 register should be entered in order to
signal the end of the command.
AT command - press the [Enter] key.
Example: ATDT 123-4567 - press [Enter] and the modem dials to 123-4567.
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Installing the Modem Driver in Windows 95/98
Display the result value
After entering AT commands, the result value is displayed on the screen.
The result value can be displayed during communication. Generally, the result will
be OK. According to the ATV command, the result can be displayed as Words or
numeral letters. (ATVO: Display as numeral letters, ATV1: Display as English
Basic AT Commands
Repeats the previous command in the buffer
Responds manually to incoming RING signals
Switches from on-line mode to command mode
Switches from command mode to on-line mode
ATEn Echo control
Disables echoing of the commands to the screen
Enables echoing of the commands to the screen
ATDT phone number
Touch tone dial
ATDP phone number
Pulse dial
ATHn Hook control
On-Hook (same as hang-up)
Off-Hook (same as hold-on)
ATLn Modem speaker loudness control
L0~1 Low volume
Medium volume
High volume
ATMn Modem speaker control
Disables modem speaker
Enables only when in connection procedure
Introducing Your TransPort LT
Installing the Modem Driver in Windows 95/98
Enables always
Enables until carrier has been detected after connection
ATS0=nSets S0 register value (n range: 0~255). Sets the number of incoming ring
signals before answering. The Modem responds after as many incoming rings as
specified in n value. If the value of n is '0', ATA command should be entered for
auto answer.
ATS0? Displays S0 register value on the terminal
ATX3 Dials after waiting for specified time
ATX4 Dials after dial tone is detected
Initializes modem
AT&F Loads the factory default configuration (profile)
AT&V Shows current configuration
AT&W Saves user profile
AT&Zn=xStores the dial string in modem memory (n=0~3, x=phone number) e.g.)
Automatically calls the stored phone number by using the following command.
Recalls the stored phone number as AT&Z0 by tone dial
Recalls the stored phone number as AT&Z0 by pulse dial
Sets protocol for modem connection
(X=V90, V34)
AT+MS=V90 (default setting)
Try to connect with V90 (max 56 Kbps)
Try to connect with V.34 (max 33.6 Kbps)
Video Features and Configuration
Resolution and Color Depth
Chapter 4 - Video Features and Configuration
Your computer includes a TFT LCD or active-matrix display. The capabilities of
the screen plus the video drivers installed on the computer determine the quality
of the image your LCD can display.
The following sections describe the display capabilities of your computer.
Resolution and Color
The resolution of the LCD is the sharpness of the image it can display. Resolution
is measured by the number of pixels (individual dots) displayed on the entire
screen. In general, the more pixels the LCD can display, the better the image.
Your LCD screen is 12.1 SVGA, with a maximum display of 800x600, about
800,000 pixels.
The number of colors the LCD can display is measured by how many bits the LCD
uses to represent each pixel:
• 8-bit color can support 256 different colors.
• 16-bit color can support 64 K (65,536) colors.
• 24-bit color can support 16 M (16.8 million) colors.
• 32-bit color can support 16 M (16.8 million) colors.
24-bit color uses the RGB color model.
32-bit color uses the CMYK color model which gives better printed color matching.
Table 6 lists the basic video mode capabilities and maximum colors supported by
your computer.
Video Features and Configuration
Resolution and Color Depth
TABLE 6. Video Driver Capabilities
Number of
Resolution Supported with 4MB(8MB) SGRAM
Windows 98
640x480, 720x480, 800x600, 848x480, 1024x768,
1152x864, 1280x1024, 1600x1200
640x480, 720x480, 800x600, 848x480, 1024x768,
1152x864, 1280x1024, 1600x1200
640x480, 720x480, 800x600, 848x480, 1024x768, 16.8 million
1152x864, 1280x1024, (1600x1200) (24 bit)
640x480, 720x480, 800x600, 848x480, 1024x768, 16.8 million
1152x864, (1280x1024)
(32 bit)
Windows NT 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1152x864,
1280x1024, 1600x1200
640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1152x864,
1280x1024, 1600x1200
640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1152x864,
1280x1024, (1600x1200)
16.8 million
(24 bit)
640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1152x864,
16.8 million
(32 bit)
All these video modes can be displayed on an external monitor. However, if you
disconnect an external monitor that was attached to your computer and then start
the computer, the LCD may revert to a different resolution than the one you chose
for the external monitor.
Configuring Display Features
Selecting a Monitor Type
The following sections describe how to configure the display settings on your
When you attach an external monitor to your computer, Windows 98 automatically
selects display settings for it (this feature is not available in Windows NT). If you
wish, you can adjust the display settings by selecting a monitor type:
1. Click the Start button on the Windows 98 task bar.
2. Select Settings.
3. Click Control Panel. The Control Panel window appears.
Video Features and Configuration
Resolution and Color Depth
4. Double-click the Display icon. The Display Properties window appears.
5. Click the Settings tab. The Settings screen appears.
6. Click the Advanced button. The Advanced Properties screen appears.
7. Click the Monitor tab.
8. Click the Change button. The Update Device Driver Wizard screen appears.
9. Click the Next button.
10.Select the Display a list of all the drivers in a specific location, so you can
select the driver you want radio button and click the Next button.
11.Select the Show all hardware radio button.
12.Select a manufacturer and model setting that matches your external monitor.
Your computer has an intelligent video chip set that automatically matches
your LCD panel resolution and frequency when an external monitor is not
13.Click the Next button.
14.The Update Device Driver Wizard screen appears showing the driver location
of the device you have selected. Click the Next button.
15.Follow any prompts that appear on the screen.
Changing Color Depth and
To change the color depth and resolution of your LCD or external monitor:
1. Click the Start button on the Windows task bar.
2. Select Settings.
3. Click Control Panel. The Control Panel window appears.
4. Double-click the Display icon. The Display Properties window appears.
Video Features and Configuration
Resolution and Color Depth
5. Click the Settings tab. The Settings screen appears.
Figure 19. Display properties in Windows NT 4.0
6. To change the color depth, click the arrow next to Color palette and select the
color depth you want.
7. To change the resolution, click and drag the knob under the Screen area until
you select the resolution you want.
8. Click the OK button.
9. Follow the prompts that appear on the screen.
Changing the Video Driver
It is possible that you may want to update your video driver or that your installed
video driver has become corrupt so that the display is unusable.
Windows 98:
1. Click on the Start button. The Start Menu will appear.
2. Select Settings and click on Control Panel, double click on Display. The
Display Properties window appears.
3. Click the Advanced button. The properties screen for your currently installed
video driver appears.
4. Select the Adapter menu.
Video Features and Configuration
Resolution and Color Depth
5. Click the Change button. The Update Device Driver Wizard window appears.
6. Click the Next button.
7. Select Display a list of all the drivers in a specific location, so you can
select the driver you want. Click the Next button.
8. Click the Have disk button. If the driver is on a floppy disk insert it into the
floppy drive. Click the Browse button and locate the driver you want to install.
Click the OK button.
9. Select the new driver in the Select Device screen and click the OK button.
10.Click the Next button to install the new driver and follow any directions on the
screen to finish setting the display properties.
Windows NT 4.0:
1. Log on to the computer as supervisor. The Invalid Display Settings window
may appear.
2. Click on the Start button and the Start Menu appears.
3. Select Settings and click on Control Panel, double click on Display. The
Display Properties window appears.
4. Select the Settings menu.
5. Click the Display Type button. The Display Type window appears.
6. Click the Change button. The Change Display window appears.
7. Click the Have disk button. If the driver is on a floppy disk insert it into the
floppy drive or if you want to use the original factory driver, insert the Restore
CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. Enter the path to the directory where the
drivers are located or click the Browse button and locate driver you want to
install. Click the OK button.
Figure 20. Enter location of the driver files
Video Features and Configuration
Working with PC Cards
A line similar to the following line appears under the Display option: ATI 3D RAGE
8. Click OK. The Third-Party Drivers warning window appears.
9. Click Yes. The driver is copied. A window appears informing you the driver has
been successfully copied.
10.Click OK. Remove the disk from the floppy drive. Close the open windows on
the screen.
11.Click Yes when prompted to restart the computer. As the computer restarts,
select Windows NT Workstation Version 4.00 as the Operating System and
press [Enter].
12.Log on as supervisor. The Invalid Display Settings window will appear.
13.Click the OK button. Click the Test button at the Display Properties window
and follow any directions on the screen to finish setting the display properties.
Working with PC Cards
By installing PC Cards, you can add functions to your notebook computer similar
to those found on add-in boards for desktop computers. Available PC Cards
• Input/output, such as modem, network, pager, video capture, and SCSI
• Storage, such as hard drive and flash (SRAM) cards.
• Combo cards, such as a combination modem and network card.
Your computer includes the following PC Card support:
• Two PC-Card slots: You can install Type I, II, or III cards in the slots. Type
III cards are thicker than Types I and II. If you install a Type III card in the
bottom slot, you cannot install a card in the top slot.
• CardBus hardware and software: CardBus enables the computer to use
32-bit PC Cards. Windows 98 supports 32-bit and 16-bit PC Cards. The
SystemSoft® CardWizard™ for Windows NT program, provided with
systems that ship from the factory with Windows NT installed, also
supports both 16-bit and 32-bit cards.
• Zoomed video: Both PC Card slots and the video chip on your computer
support zoomed video. When you install a zoom video PC Card in the
upper or lower slot, data can be transferred directly from the PC Card to
Video Features and Configuration
Working with PC Cards
video and audio systems without going through the microprocessor. Video
conferencing and real-time multimedia devices, such as video cameras,
are supported by zoomed video.
To use the CardBus and zoomed video technology with Windows NT, install the
CardBus and zoomed video drivers provided with your PC Card. If no drivers were
supplied with your card, contact the PC Card manufacturer. ATA (AT attachment)
and modem PC Cards do not require extra drivers.
Maintaining PC Cards
To maintain your PC Cards, follow these guidelines:
• Keep cards away from excessive heat, direct sunlight, and liquids.
• Do not drop, bend, flex, or crush cards when handling.
• Keep dust, magnets, and static electricity away from PC Cards.
• When a card is not in use, carry it in its protective carrying case.
• Some PC Cards include cables that extend from the back of the cards. Be
careful not to bend or put excessive strain on these cables.
Using PC Cards
You can install PC Cards while the computer is on. To insert a PC Card into a slot:
1. Push the slot door in with the PC Card.
2. Align the card with a slot and insert the card into the slot until it locks in place
(Figure 21).
To remove a PC Card:
1. Push the eject button once to pop it outward.
2. Push the eject button again, then the card will be ejected.
Video Features and Configuration
Working with PC Cards
PC Card
Eject button
Figure 21. Inserting a PC Card
Windows 98
Windows 98 automatically assigns computer resources (such as communication
ports and memory addresses) to a PC Card installed in your computer. For further
information on configuring a PC Card in Windows 98, see the index entry PC card
in the Windows Help. Windows 98 also handles power management for PC
Use the following procedures to remove PC Cards, or you may lose data that is
being stored to a card.
To remove a PC Card from your computer using Windows 98 Operating System:
1. Click the PC Card icon on the task bar.
2. Select the name of the card you want to remove, and then click the Stop
3. Push the card eject button on the side of the PC Card slot when prompted to
do so and then pull the card out of the PC Card slot.
Windows NT
Systemsoft Card Wizard is shipped with notebook computers that use Windows
NT as the Operating System. When you install a PC Card, CardWizard attempts
to configure it automatically. If Card Wizard successfully assigns system
resources to your card, the computer beeps twice.
Video Features and Configuration
Working with PC Cards
If CardWizard cannot automatically configure your PC Card, the computer beeps
once and a message appears telling you that the card has not been configured.
Click the Wizard button on the CardWizard window. CardWizard then analyzes
why the card was not configured and fixes the problem or gives you information to
help fix the problem.
CardWizard works with the PowerProfiler program to manage PC Cards when the
computer enters or resumes from rest mode. CardWizard gives you instructions to
prevent loss of data before the computer enters rest mode or may stop the
computer from entering rest mode. ATA and modem cards can enter rest mode.
Follow these guidelines when using PC Cards with CardWizard:
• Some LAN (local-area network) cards can be inserted while the computer
is on but should be removed only when the system is turned off.
• SCSI cards should be inserted at startup to enable Windows NT to find the
device attached to the SCSI card. SCSI cards can be removed when the
computer is turned off. If you restart your computer without the SCSI card
installed, a message may appear telling you that a service did not start.
You can ignore this message.
• Modem and ATA cards can be inserted and removed while the computer is
Before you remove a modem or ATA card from your computer, stop the card
through the CardWizard program or you may lose data.
To stop and remove a PC Card from your computer:
1. In the SystemSoft CardWizard screen, click with the right mouse button on
the name of the card you want to remove.
2. Click Stop in the Actions menu. A red stop sign appears on the main screen
when the card is stopped. Click OK.
3. Push the card eject button on the side of the PC Card slot. Pull the card out of
the slot compartment.
4. For more information on using the CardWizard program, see the CardWizard
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Using Options
AC Adapter
Chapter 5 - Using Options
You can order the following options for your Notebook computer from your
authorized reseller:
• An extra AC adapter.
• An auto adapter that enables you to charge the computer’s battery and
operate the computer in an automobile.
• An extra battery pack.
• 32, 64 and 128 MB SDRAM memory modules that enable you to upgrade
your computer’s memory to a maximum of 192 MB.
• A CD-ROM drive module.
• A DVD-ROM drive module.
• A Mini-PCI Software Modem module
or a LAN/Modem combined module (Type 3A).
• A LS-120 Super Disk.
• A Port Replicator.
• A Secondary battery pack with internal charger.
The options that are available may change periodically. Contact for
updated information on current and new options.
AC Adapter
The optional AC adapter operates in the same way as the adapter that came with
your computer does. See ”Using the Battery” on page 41 for information about the
AC adapter.
Auto Adapter
The auto adapter enables you to power your computer and charge the computer
battery in an automobile, through the +12 volt cigarette lighter socket.
To use the adapter:
1. Plug the adapter cable into the AC adapter connector on the computer.
2. Connect the adapter to the cigarette lighter socket.
The light on the adapter is green when the adapter is working properly. The light
may be red for a few seconds when you first plug in the adapter or while you use
the adapter. This is normal. If the light remains red, check to make sure the
adapter is connected correctly.
Using Options
Battery Pack
If the adapter is plugged in and the adapter light does not turn on:
• Check the adapter connections.
• If you are in an automobile, turn on the automobile’s ignition to supply
power to the adapter. In some vehicles, power to the cigarette lighter
socket is always on and you do not need to turn on the ignition.
• If the previous procedures do not activate the adapter, you may need to
change the fuse in the adapter. To remove the fuse from the adapter,
unscrew the adapter cap with a pair of pliers and remove the cap. Replace
the fuse with an 8 amp fuse. In an automobile, you may need to replace the
fuse in the cigarette lighter socket.
When you connect the adapter to the cigarette lighter, the battery starts charging
To prevent loss of data and possible damage to the computer, unplug the auto
adapter when starting and stopping the automobile engine.
Battery Pack
You can order a smart lithium-ion battery pack for your computer. See ”Using the
Battery” on page 41 for information on the battery.
When changing the battery, power the system down and replace the battery. If
you try to replace the battery when the system is on, the system may become
Memory Modules
You can increase system memory by installing optional memory modules. You
can install 32, 64, or 128 MB modules.
To avoid possible system problems, use only approved memory modules in
your computer.
Before You Install Memory
To prevent personal injury and damage to the equipment, follow the
precautions listed here before installing a memory module.
Using Options
Memory Modules
Take the following precautions when installing a memory module:
• Before you remove the memory module compartment door, turn off the
computer, unplug the power cord, and remove the battery. Also, disconnect
any peripheral devices.
• Before handling a memory module, discharge any static electricity by
touching a grounded surface or using a grounding wrist strap.
• Do not insert objects with conductive material, such as metal screwdrivers
or graphite pencils, into the memory-module compartment.
• Be careful in handling the metal plate of the memory door.
Installing a Memory Module
Handle a memory module carefully. Hold them only by the edges.
To install a memory module:
1. Turn the computer over so that the bottom faces up.
2. Using a screwdriver, remove the screw that holds the memory-module
compartment door in place (Figure 22).
Figure 22. Removing the Memory Module Compartment Door
3. Grasp the edge of the door and pull the door off the chassis.
4. Remove installed modules if necessary.
When removing modules, pull on the plastic portion of the connector slots
tabs only. Do not pull on the metal part of the tabs, or you may damage the
Using Options
Memory Modules
a. Pull the tabs on the connector slot outward slightly, until the edge of the
memory module pops up (Figure 23).
Figure 23. Removing a Memory Module
b. Hold the memory module by the edges and pull it forward out of the
5. Align the connector on the memory module with the connector of the slot.
6. Push the memory module into the slot at a slight angle until the connectors are
fully engaged (Figure 24).
7. Push down on the edge of the memory module until the module snaps into
Figure 24. Installing a Memory Module
Using Options
CD-ROM Drive
8. Align the memory module compartment door with the compartment and push
the door down until it snaps into place.
9. Reinstall the screw you removed in step 2.
10.Turn the computer on and perform a complete POST to check the memory
CD-ROM Drive
If your system did not ship with a CD-ROM drive included, you can order a drive.
See ”Using the CD-ROM Drive” on page 37 for directions on installing the CD-
ROM drive.
DVD-ROM Drive Module
If your system did not ship with a DVD-ROM drive included, you can order a drive.
The DVD-ROM drive module can be inserted into your computer exactly as you
would insert a CD-ROM. See ”Using the CD-ROM Drive” on page 37 for directions
on installing and using the CD-ROM drive. There is MPEG-2 software included
with the drive that will enable you to play DVD movies from the DVD-ROM drive.
Secondary Battery
The secondary battery is available from
The secondary battery has its own LED to show the battery charge remaining,
and it can be directly connected to an AC adapter to charge.
Charging time:
• When the battery is connected to AC adapter directly: 3.2 ~ 3.8 hours.
• When the battery is installed in the Flex-bay: 4 ~ 5 hours.
Using Options
Port Replicator
Flex-Bay (see “Using the
Flex-Bay” on page 33)
Press the switch on
2nd battery to see
the battery charge
LED (Amber)
On- Charging
Off- Fully charged
Connect directly to
the AC adapter.
Figure 25. Secondary Battery
Port Replicator
Connecting the computer to peripheral devices on a regular basis has become
quick and easy with the 100-pin Port Replicator.
Features of the Port Replicator
Eject button
Eject button
Figure 26. Front view of the port replicator
Using Options
Port Replicator
USB device
PS/2 Mouse
PS/2 Keyboard
Serial port
AC Adapter
Figure 27. Back view of the port replicator
1. Turn off your system and disconnect all the devices.
Installing a Port Replicator
2. Adjust the connecting part of the system and the port replicator.
Eject button
Eject button
Figure 28. Connecting a Port Replicator
3. Push the system firmly to install a port replicator properly.
4. Connect an AC adapter to a power connector and cables from peripheral
Using Options
Port Replicator
The system power must be turned off before connection or disconnection of
the port replicator from the system, or both devices could be damaged.
While the TV is ON, do not press [Fn+LCD/CRT] key. Pressing [Fn+LCD/
CRT] key may cause malfunction on TV-Out.
Removing a Port Replicator
1. Turn off the system.
2. Remove the AC adapter.
3. Push both eject buttons.
4. Remove the system.
Drivers and System Resources
Chapter 6 - Drivers and System Resources
This section provides basic information about drivers and system IRQs.
A driver is a program that enables the Operating System to work with a hardware
device. Your computer includes drivers for the audio, video, infrared, touchpad,
keyboard, CD-ROM drive, hard drive, floppy drive, and PC Card controller. When
you add a device to your computer, such as a printer, you install a driver for that
device. Different drivers are used by different Operating Systems.
Most of the devices in your computer are connected to your computer need their
own IRQ (interrupt request line). The IRQ is a hardware line that a device can use
to send signals to the microprocessor. When the device needs the
microprocessor’s service, the device sends an interrupt request signal to the
The number of IRQs available for any computer is limited by industry standards.
Because it ships with numerous features, this computer uses most of the available
IRQs. If you add another device to your computer, you may need to disable an
existing device to free up an IRQ for the new device. IRQ resources are of
particular concern when the computer is attached to a docking device.
The default IRQ settings that are used by your computer are listed in Table 7.
Windows 98
Windows NT 4.0
Windows 2000
System timer
System timer
System timer
Internal Controller
IrDA Port
Internal Controller
COM 2, COM 4
COM 1, COM 3
Internal Controller
IrDA Port
COM 1, COM 3
COM 1, COM 3
Floppy controller
LPT1 (parallel port)
Floppy controller
LPT1 (parallel port)
Floppy controller
LPT1 (parallel port)
Drivers and System Resources
Service Pack 6A for Windows NT 4.0
Windows 98
Windows NT 4.0
Windows 2000
Touchpad, PS/2 mouse Touchpad, PS/2 mouse Touchpad, PS/2 mouse
Numeric data processor Numeric data processor Numeric data processor
IDE 1 (hard drive)
IDE 1 (hard drive)
IDE 1 (hard drive)
IDE 2 (CD-ROM drive)
IDE 2 (CD-ROM drive)
IDE 2 (CD-ROM drive)
In Windows 98, you can configure a device so that the device is disabled when
you connect your computer to a docking station but enabled when the computer is
not connected to the docking station. With this configuration, an IRQ is available
for a peripheral device that you connect to the docking station. See your Windows
98 manual for more information.
Service Pack 6A for
Windows NT 4.0
Microsoft Service Pack 6A (SP6A) is included with computers shipped from the
factory with Windows NT installed. Any time you change or add components to
your Windows NT system, you need to reinstall SP6A.
The version of SP6A on your computer’s hard drive includes the correct video
driver for your system. If possible, always install this version on your computer.
To install SP6A:
1. Run the executable file. This file is located on your computer’s hard drive at
2. Follow the instructions on the screen with these exceptions:
a. When you are prompted to overwrite the uninstall directory, click the Yes
b. When a prompt identifies your pcmcia.sys file as an OEM-installed file and
asks you to overwrite the version of the file on your system with the service
pack version, click the No button.
If you install any service packs on your computer in the future, make sure
that, when you are prompted, you do not overwrite the pcmcia.sys file, or
you may be unable to use the PC card slot.
Drivers and System Resources
Installing the LAN Driver in Windows 98
Installing the LAN Driver in
Windows 98
Refer to the MRestore CD that came with your Transport LT for LAN installation
instructions specific to your Operating System.
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Using System Setup
Starting System Setup
Chapter 7 - Using System Setup
The System Setup program enables you to configure your computer hardware
and set security and power-savings options. The settings you choose are stored
in the battery-maintained CMOS memory that saves the information even when
the computer’s power is turned off. When your computer is turned back on, it is
configured with the values found in this memory.
Run System Setup if you get a message prompting you to run the program. You
may also want to run System Setup, particularly the first time you use your
computer, to set the time and date, use security or power-management features,
or alter the settings of other features.
Your computer’s version of System Setup may not include all the fields listed here
or may include additional fields. Field names and order of appearance can vary
according to the version of the BIOS (basic input/output system) on your
Starting System Setup
To start System Setup, turn on your computer. When prompted press [F2]. The
System Setup screen will appear.
The top of the System Setup screen has a menu bar with the selections listed in
Table 8.
TABLE 8. System Setup Menus
Changes the basic system configuration.
Configures advanced features on your
Enables security features, including
passwords and backup and virus-check
Configures power-management features.
Specifies the order of boot devices and
configures boot features.
Specifies how to exit System Setup.
Using System Setup
Starting System Setup
To open a menu, use the left or right arrow keys to select the menu name and
press [Enter].
Table 9 lists the keys you can use to navigate through System Setup.
TABLE 9. System Setup Navigation Keys
Displays the General Help window.
Exits the current menu. Moves location up a
[Left Arrow]
and [Right
Arrow] keys
arrow keys
Select a different menu. Pressing [ESC] at the
Main menu brings you to the Exit menu.
[Up Arrow] and Keypad
Move the cursor up and down between fields.
[Down Arrow]
arrow keys
Moves the cursor forward through the cells for a
highlighted field. This works only in System Time
and System date.
Moves the cursor backward through the cells for
a highlighted field. This works only in System
Time and System date.
Moves the cursor to the field at the top of the
Moves the cursor to the field at the bottom of the
Scrolls backwards through the options for the
highlighted field.
[+] or
Scrolls forward through the options for the
highlighted field.
Loads factory installed Setup Default values.
Saves current settings and exits setup.
Executes commands or opens a submenu.
Using System Setup
Main Menu
A pointer symbol appearing to the left of a field indicates that you can open a
submenu from this field. A submenu contains additional options for a field. To
open a submenu, highlight the field and press [Enter]. Use the same keys to enter
values and move from field to field within submenus as you use within menus.
When you highlight a field, information about the field appears on the right side of
the screen. System Setup also provides a General Help screen that can be
opened from any menu by pressing [F1] or [Alt+H]. The General Help screen lists
the navigation keys with their corresponding alternates and functions.
When a scroll bar appears to the right of a help window, more information is
available than can be displayed in the window. Use the [PgUp] and [PgDn] keys or
the [Up Arrow] and [Down Arrow] keys to scroll through the entire help document.
Press [Home] to display the first page, or press [End] to go to the last page. To
exit the help window, press [Enter] or [Esc].
If your computer will not boot after you have changed settings in System Setup
and exited the program, reboot and press [F2] to reenter System Setup. Once in
System Setup, you can try to change the values that caused your computer boot
to fail. If the problem persists, press [F9] to load the default values.
Main Menu
When you open System Setup, the Main menu appears. You can make changes
to your computer’s basic system configuration from this menu. The fields
displayed in this menu are described below.
TABLE 10. Main Menu
System Time:
Sets your computer to the time that you specify,
usually the current time. Enter the hour, minute, and
second in the format hh:mm:ss. Use a 24-hour clock.
Use the [tab] key to move between the hour, minute,
and second cells. Use the hyphen key [-] or [Space]
bar to decrease or increase the numbers.
System Date:
Sets your computer to the date that you specify,
usually the current date. Enter the month, day, and
year in the format mm:dd:yyyy. Use the [tab] key to
move between the month, day, and year cells. Use
the hyphen key [-] or [Space] bar to decrease or
increase the numbers. This field supports year dates
of 2000 and beyond.
Using System Setup
Main Menu
TABLE 10. (Continued) Main Menu
Legacy Diskette 1.44 MB, 3 1/2
Specifies a drive type for floppy drive A. 1.44 MB, 3
1/2 inch (default) floppy disk can be used.
Primary Master Primary Master
Your computer can support two IDE drives. The Main
menu contains two IDE adapter fields to configure
these drives. Primary Master defines the hard drive
installed in the computer. Secondary Master defines
the CD-ROM and DVD-ROM drives or Removable
and Secondary
Secondary Master
To configure a replacement or upgrade hard drive,
move the cursor to select the Primary Master field in
the System Setup Main menu, and then press the
[Enter] key. The submenu appears.
Normally, you can use the Auto option of the Type
field in the submenu to automatically set the values
for the other fields in the submenu. Manually set the
other fields in this submenu only if the drive you have
installed in your computer is not recognized by
System Setup.
Set the Auto option of the Type field in the Secondary Master submenu to enable
the system to boot from Bootable CD-ROMS, you will also need to check the boot
device priority field and Bootable CD check field.
After you make your selections from this submenu, press the [Esc] key to exit
back to the Main menu.
Before attempting to configure a hard drive, make sure you have the
configuration information supplied by the manufacturer of the hard drive.
Incorrect drive settings can cause your computer to malfunction.
Using System Setup
Main Menu
The Primary and Secondary Master fields calls up a submenu. The following fields
are found in the submenu:
TABLE 11. Primary and Secondary Master Fields Submenu
Configures the hard drive type. Normally, select Auto at
this field to have your computer attempt to automatically
detect the drive type and set the values for the remaining
fields in this submenu manually, specify User. Manually
enter the number of cylinders, heads, sectors per track,
and write pre-compensation for your drive. Refer to your
drive’s user documentation or look on the drive to obtain
this information. If no drive is installed or if you are
removing a drive and not replacing it, select None.
Configures the number of cylinders for the hard drive.
Refer to your drive’s user documentation or look on the
drive to obtain this information. Before you can make
changes to this field, the Type field must be set to User.
Configures the number of read/write heads for the hard
drive. Refer to your drive’s user documentation or look on
the drive to determine the correct value to enter for this
field. Before you can make changes to this field, the Type
field must be set to User.
Configures the number of sectors per track for the hard
drive. Refer to your drive’s user documentation or look on
the drive to determine the correct value to enter for this
field. Before you can make changes to this field, the Type
field must be set to User.
Shows the maximum capacity of the drive. This field is for
reference only.
Multi-Sector Disabled
Sets the number of sectors per block to the highest
number supported by the drive.
2 Sectors
4 Sectors
8 Sectors
16 Sectors
LBA Mode
Enables or disables 28-bit addressing of the hard drive,
without regard for cylinders, heads, and sectors. Enabling
this field may decrease the access speed of the hard
Using System Setup
Main Menu
TABLE 11. (Continued) Primary and Secondary Master Fields Submenu
32 Bit I/O:
Enables or disables 32-Bit I/O (input/output). When
Enabled, your hard drive can work with applications with
32-bit input and output. If the field is Disabled (default),
your computer works with 16-bit input and output and has
lower performance.
Fast PIO 1
Fast PIO 2
Fast PIO 3
Fast PIO 4
Selects the method for transferring data between the hard
drive and system memory. Refer to your drive’s user
documentation to specify the correct option for this field.
Default setting is Enabled. Shows that the Smart
Monitoring function is used. This field is for reference only.
Mode 0
Mode 1
Ultra DMA
Enables the hard drive to use ultra DMA (direct memory
access) transfer mode to transfer data between the drive
and system memory.
Mode 2
TABLE 12. (continued) Main Menu
Feature Option Description
Displays the amount of conventional memory detected by
your computer during startup. This field is for reference
Displays the amount of extended memory detected by
your computer during startup. This field is for reference
BIOS Version /
Displays the BIOS version and Micom version.
CPU Type /
CPU Speed:
Displays CPU type and speed.
Using System Setup
Advanced Menu
Selecting Advanced from the menu bar displays the Advanced menu.
TABLE 13. Advanced Menu
Advanced Menu
Installed O/S:
Select the Operating System installed on your system
which you will use most commonly. An incorrect setting
can cause unexpected system behavior.
PS/2 Mouse
Single Mouse
Dual Mouse
Disabled prevents both the touchpad and external PS/2
port from functioning. Single mouse enables the external
PS/2 port or the touchpad, and external PS/2 port has
priority. Dual Mouse allows the use of both the touchpad
and PS/2 port.
Enables or disables the Screen Expansion mode. If you
set this field to Enabled, the system expands VGA mode
(DOS mode or 640x480 Graphic mode) to use the full size
of the LCD. If this field is Disabled VGA mode appears as
a 640x480 box in the LCD.
TV Out Mode: PAL
Select TV standard such as NTSC (default), PAL.
Enables you to set the default display. Options are LCD,
CRT and Both. Choose LCD to use the built-in display
only, CRT to use an external monitor only, or BOTH to
have both built-in and external displays used as the
default. If you select CRT and no external monitor is
attached you will not see a display until you attach the
external monitor. The default is LCD.
I/O Device
(Table 14)
Opens the I/O Device Configuration submenu if you
press [Enter] when this field is highlighted. If you attempt
to set two ports to the same settings, the fields will be
marked with asterisks.
Local Bus IDE Enabled
Enables the integrated IDE local bus adapters. Options
are Enabled (default) and Disabled.
Large Disk
Access Mode:
Enables your computer’s Operating System to work with
drives larger than 540 MB. Choose DOS (default) for
Microsoft Operating Systems. Choose Other for any other
Operating Systems.
Using System Setup
Advanced Menu
The I/O Device Configuration submenu contains these fields:
TABLE 14. I/O Device Configuration Submenu
Serial port:
Configures serial port. The options for this field are
Enabled (default), and Disabled. If you set this field to
Enabled, you can set the Base I/O Address field to 3F8
IRQ4 (default), 2F8 IRQ3, 3E8 IRQ4, or 2E8 IRQ3. When
the field is set to Enabled, the computer’s Operating
System uses the default configuration or the configuration
you choose. If you select Disabled, you free up an IRQ for
use by another device.
Infrared port: Enabled
Configures the infrared port. The options for this field are
Enabled, and Disabled (default). If you set this field to
Enabled, you can set the Base I/O Address field and the
Mode field. Settings for the Base I/O Address are 3F8
IRQ4, 2F8 IRQ3 (default), 3E8 IRQ4, or 2E8 IRQ3.
Mode FIR (fast infrared) enables you to set the DMA
channel to 3 or 1.When the Infrared port field is set to
Enabled, the computer’s Operating System uses the
default configuration or the configuration you choose. If
you select Disabled, you free up an IRQ for use by
another device.
Parallel port: Enabled
Configures the parallel port. The options for this field are
Enabled (default), and Disabled. If you set this field to
Enabled, you can set the Mode field and the Base I/O
Address field. Settings for the Base I/O Address are 378
IRQ7(default), 378 IRQ5, 278 IRQ7, 278 IRO5, 3RC
IRQ7, and 3RC IRQ5. Settings for the Mode are Output
only, Bi-directional, EPP (enhanced parallel port), and
ECP (extended capabilities port). Selecting the ECP
setting enables you to set the DMA Channel to 1, 2, or 3.
When the Parallel port field is set to Enabled, the
computer’s Operating System uses the default
configuration or the configuration you choose. If you select
Disabled, you free up an IRQ for use by another device.
Floppy disk
Configures the floppy disk controller. The options for this
field are Enabled (default), and Disabled. When the
Floppy disk controller field is set to Enabled, the
computer’s Operating System uses the default
configuration for the controller.
Using System Setup
Security Menu
Selecting Security from the menu bar displays the Security menu. Your
computer’s advanced security system allows you to set two different passwords to
prevent unauthorized access to system resources, data, and System Setup. From
the Security menu, you can enable a boot password, disk access, a system
backup reminder, and a virus check reminder.
Security Menu
Security fields marked with an asterisk (*) can only be changed if you start System
Setup with a system supervisor password or if no passwords are in effect. You
cannot access these fields with a user password.
TABLE 15. Security Menu
Password Is
and User
Displays whether user or supervisor password is in use.
Password Is:
Set Supervisor
Enables you to set the supervisor password to control
access to the System Setup utility. See ”Creating a
Password” on page 89 for instructions on setting a
Set User
Enables you to set a user password to control access to
the system at boot. See ”Creating a Password” on page
89 for instructions on setting a password.The user
password allows restricted access to the System Setup
Security menu; the user has access only to changing his
own password and to enable or disable Password on
boot. A supervisor password must be set before a user
password can be set
Enables you to restrict the use of floppy drives. When set
to Supervisor (default), the use of floppy drives is
restricted to a user with the supervisor password. A
supervisor password must be enabled before the
Supervisor option can take effect. When set to User,
users with either type of password have access to floppy
drives. If the field is set to Supervisor and a user
password is enabled, the user must enter the supervisor
password in order to boot from the floppy drive.
Using System Setup
Power Menu
TABLE 15. (Continued) Security Menu
Feature Option Description
Fixed disk boot Normal
Enables you to write-protect the hard drive boot sector to
protect against viruses and alterations. Only a user with
the supervisor password can access this field.
Write Protect
Password on
boot: *
Determines whether the computer prompts for a password
when starting up. The options are Enabled and Disabled.
A supervisor password must be set before you can enable
this option. And the option should be enabled to use
[Fn+Keylock] function during the operation.
Power Menu
The Power menu of System Setup allows you to enable and adjust your
computer’s sophisticated power-saving features. Enabling these features extends
the life of the battery.
If your computer shipped with Windows 98 or WIndows 2000 installed, the
Power Management works with the settings in the Power Management
option of Control Panel. But if your computer has Windows NT 4.0, the
Power Management works with the settings in System Setup.
Using System Setup
Power Menu
TABLE 16. Power Menu
Enables and disables Maximum Performance mode. The
Performance options are Maximum Performance, Maximum Power
Saving (default), Customized and Disabled. If you set
this field to Maximum Performance, the microprocessor
and hard drive run at full speed, unless affected by other
power-savings settings. If you set this field to Maximum
Power Saving, the microprocessor and the hard drive run
at slow speed when there is no user input or device
activity. Choose Customized to alter these settings and
Disabled to turn off the Power management function.
Sets the period of computer inactivity (no user input or
device activity) that must pass before your computer
automatically goes into standby mode. In standby mode
some devices are turned off (including the LCD screen)
and the microprocessor slows down. You can disable this
option by selecting Off, or you can specify a Standby
Timeout delay time of 1 to 16 minutes.
(Delay time of
1 to 16
Time out:
Sets the period of computer inactivity from standby that
must pass before your computer automatically goes into
rest mode. When the rest timeout expired, your computer
goes to the rest mode according to Suspend Mode.
Using System Setup
Power Menu
TABLE 16. (Continued) Power Menu
Save To RAM Specifies the type of rest mode your computer enters:
Save To Disk
• Save to RAM: Saves power by turning off the
microprocessor and all devices except system
memory and controller, and video memory and
• Save To Disk: Provides the greatest power-saving
capabilities by essentially turning off your
computer. In the save to disk mode, all system
logic (except for your computer wakeup circuitry
and battery charger) is turned off. During save to
disk mode, the system and video memory are
saved to the hard drive and are restored when
your computer resumes from rest.
• When the computer enters save to disk mode, it
will not resume normal operation at a specified
time no matter how the Resume On Time field is
Hard Disk
Sets the amount of time the hard disk needs to be inactive
before it is turned off.
Resume On
Modem Ring:
Enables the computer to resume operation from rest
mode in the event of modem communication. The
computer will resume only if the Suspend Mode field is
set to Save to RAM, not Save To Disk. The default
setting is Off. To enable this feature, AC adapter should
be plugged into the computer.
Resume On
Enables the computer to resume operation from rest
mode at a scheduled time. The computer will resume only
if the Suspend Mode field is set to Save to RAM, not
Save To Disk. If you set this field to On, you must set the
Resume Time field as well. The default setting is Off. AC
adapter should be plugged in to work this feature.
Using System Setup
Boot Menu
TABLE 16. (Continued) Power Menu
Specifies the time for your computer to automatically
resume from rest mode. Enter two-digit numbers to
indicate the hour, minutes, and seconds in the format
hh:mm:ss. Use a 24-hour clock. Use the tab key to move
between the hour, minute, and second cells. Use the
hyphen key [-] or [Space] bar to decrease or increase the
You must set this option if you enable Resume On Time.
Selects the mode of Intel Speedstep support to install in
the user BIOS at runtime. If your CPU does not support
Intel Speedstep, this field should be set to Disabled.
Boot Menu
The Boot menu enables you to select a boot device and set boot options.
TABLE 17. Boot Menu
Screen Logo Enabled
Enables or Disables the display of the boot time logo. If
you select Disabled, the diagnostic POST screen is
displayed during boot.
Displays the system configuration when the computer
starts. The options are Enabled and Disabled (default).
Boot Device Default:
Priority: 1.Diskette
Enables you to select the order in which the computer
attempts to boot from different devices. The field has three
options: Diskette Drive, Removable Devices, Hard
2.Removable Drive, and DVD-CD ROM.
3.Hard Drive,
To choose a device as the first, second, or third boot
1. Press [Enter] at the Boot Device Priority field.
2. Press [Enter] at the plus(+) symbol to display sub
3. Highlight the option with the [Up Arrow] or [Down
Arrow] key.
4. Press the [Space] bar until the option moves up or
down in the list of options
5. Press [Esc] to return to the Boot menu.
Using System Setup
Exit Menu
If you want to start the system using a bootable CD, change the ATAPI CD-ROM
Drive to be the first priority and make sure the Auto is set in the Type field of the
Secondary Master Submenu at Main page, and also make sure that Enabled is
set in the Bootable CD check field at Boot page.
Exit Menu
Select Exit or press [Esc] from the menu bar to display the Exit menu.
Pressing [Esc] does not exit this menu. You must select one of the options from
this menu or a menu bar item to exit this menu.
TABLE 18. Exit Menu
Exit Saving
Enables you to exit System Setup and saves your
changes. When you select this item and press [Enter], a
message appears asking you if you want to save your
changes and exit System Setup. Choose Yes and press
[Enter] to save your changes and exit. Choose No and
press [Enter] to remain in System Setup.
Enables you to exit System Setup without saving your
changes. When you select this item and press [Enter] a
message appears asking you if you want to save changes
before exiting. Choose No and press [Enter] to exit
without saving changes. Choose Yes and press [Enter] to
save changes and exit.
Load Setup Yes
Loads the default values for all System Setup parameters.
When you select this option and press [Enter], a message
appears asking if you want to load the default
configuration. Choose Yes and press [Enter] to load
default settings and remain in System Setup. Choose No
and press [Enter] to retain your changes and remain in
System Setup.
Enables you to discharge the system battery completely
for a more accurate battery level detection. This option
only works with the smart battery if the AC Adapter is not
plugged in.
Using System Security
System Passwords
Chapter 8 - Using System Security
This section describes the security options provided with your computer.
System Passwords
The computer provides two levels of password security: administrative-level
(supervisor) and user-level (user). Either password prevents unauthorized access
to the computer. The supervisor password enables full access to all System Setup
fields. The user password enables full access to only the Set User Password and
Password on boot security fields and read access to all other System Setup
fields. (See ”Security Menu” on page 83 for a complete list of System Setup
security fields.)
If multiple users have access to the computer (such as in a network environment),
a supervisor password can prevent unauthorized access to certain security
Choose the type of password security that is appropriate for your work. If you want
to set a user password, you must set a supervisor password first.
Creating a Password
To create a password:
1. At startup, press [F2] to open System Setup.
2. Use the [Right Arrow] key to select the Security menu.
3. Use the [Down Arrow] key to select Set Supervisor Password or Set User
Password. Press [Enter]. The Set Password dialog box will appear.
4. Type a password of up to seven characters. You can enter letters or numbers,
but you cannot use the function keys, such as [Shift]. Your computer does not
distinguish between capitalized and lowercase letters in your password. As
you type the password, the cursor moves but your password does not appear
on the screen.
5. Press [Enter] after you have typed your password. The computer prompts you
to reenter your password for verification.
6. Type your password again and press [Enter]. A message appears telling you
that the changes have been saved. Press [Enter] again to return to the
Security menu.
7. Press [Esc] to go to the Exit menu.
8. Select Exit Saving Changes, press [Enter], and press [Enter] again to restart
the computer.
Using System Security
Deleting a Password
System Passwords
To delete the password:
1. At startup, press [F2] to open System Setup.
2. When prompted type your password and press [Enter].
3. Use the [Right Arrow] key to select the Security menu.
4. Use the [Down Arrow] key to select Set Supervisor Password or Set User
5. Press [Enter]. The computer prompts you to enter the current password.
6. Press [Enter]. The computer prompts you to enter a password. Do not type
7. Press [Enter]. The computer prompts you to reenter the password. Do not type
8. Press [Enter]. A message appears telling you that the changes have been
saved. Press [Enter] again to return to the Security menu.
9. Press [Esc] to go to the Exit menu.
10.Select Exit Saving Changes, press [Enter], and press [Enter] again to restart
the computer.
Requiring a Boot Password
After you create a supervisor or user password, you can enable the computer to
prompt for a password each time it starts.
To enable the prompt, select the option Enabled in the Password on boot field in
System Setup. For more information about the Password on boot field, see
“Security Menu” on page 83.
Locking the Hard Drive Boot
If you have a supervisor password, you can lock the hard drive boot sector to
protect against viruses or alterations.
To lock the hard drive boot sector, select the option Write protect in the Fixed
disk boot sector field in System Setup. For more information about the Fixed
disk boot sector field, see “Security Menu” on page 83.
Locking the Floppy Drive
If you have a supervisor password, you can lock the floppy drive so that a user
with only a user password cannot load personal software, which may introduce a
virus into the computer.
Using System Security
Locking the Keyboard
System Passwords
To enable the floppy lock, select the option Supervisor in the Lock Floppy field in
System Setup. For more information about the Lock Floppy field, see “Security
Menu” on page 83.
The keyboard lock enables you to protect your system when you walk away from
it for a time. To use the keyboard lock, you must first enable a password through
System Setup. (See ”Creating a Password” on page 89 for instructions. To lock
your keyboard, press [Fn+F7]. To unlock your keyboard, type your password and
press [Enter].
This page intentionally left blank.
Using Power Management Options
Maximum Power Saving Mode
Chapter 9 - Using Power Management Options
Your computer includes power-management options that can help the battery
charge last longer and extend the life of the battery, LCD panel, and other
components. Power-management options slow down or shut off system
components when the components are not being used.
Power management may slow down system performance. Your computer runs
fastest with the power cord attached, and when power management is disabled.
In Windows 98 and WIndows 2000 Power management works according to the
settings in the Power Management option on the Control Panel with the exception
of rest mode.
If your computer shipped from the factory with Windows NT installed,
PowerProfiler software was included to support power management.
Maximum Power Saving
For maximum power saving mode, the microprocessor may run at slow speed to
conserve power. To enable this mode, set the Idle Mode field in System Setup to
Standby Mode
The Standby Timeout field in System Setup enables you to specify the time
period that the computer can remain idle (no user input or disk activity) before the
computer enters standby mode. You can disable this option by selecting Off, or
you can specify a Standby Timeout delay time of 1 to 16 minutes.
In standby mode, the system and video memory and the video controller slow
down. The LCD backlight, hard drive, floppy drive, PC Card controller, and some
other devices turn off to save energy. DPMS (display power-management
signaling), a form of monitor power management, to an external monitor is
To resume from standby, press the Power button or touch the touchpad. Do not
press any keys on your keyboard. Windows 98 does not have a standby mode.
In Windows 98 and WIndows 2000, the standby mode works the same as rest
mode in system setup. Windows 98/2000 has a standby mode that operates
separately from the standby mode in system setup.
Using Power Management Options
Suspend Mode
If you enable both standby and rest modes, your computer enters standby when
the delay time you chose for standby has elapsed, and then enters rest mode
when the delay time you chose for rest mode has elapsed.
Suspend Mode
The Auto Suspend Timeout field in System Setup enables you to specify the
time period the computer can remain idle (no user input or device activity) before
the computer enters Suspend mode. You can disable this option by selecting Off,
or you can specify an Auto Suspend Timeout delay time from 5 to 60 minutes.
The Suspend Mode field in System Setup defines what type of rest mode your
computer enters:
• Save to RAM: This mode saves power by turning off the microprocessor
and DMA clocks, video, and all controllable peripheral devices. The
computer still uses some power while in this mode. If you leave your
computer in Save to RAM for several days without the power cord
attached, the computer’s battery will discharge.
• Save To Disk: This mode provides the greatest power-saving capabilities
by essentially turning off your computer. In this mode, all system logic
(except for your computer wakeup circuitry and battery charger) is turned
off. During save to disk mode, the DRAM and video memory are saved to
the hard drive and are restored when your computer resumes operation.
You can press [Fn+F4] to manually place your computer into Suspend mode.
When you use the [Fn+F4] key combination, your computer may postpone
entering Suspend mode during a critical operation, such as reading from or writing
to the hard drive.
To resume to full-power mode, press the power button.
Once all devices return to full-power mode, all active software applications and
system states are restored to exactly how they were before your computer
entered rest mode.
When your computer enters or resumes from save to disk mode, screens appear
indicating system status. These status screens do not appear when the computer
enters or resumes from power on Suspend Mode.
Suspend Mode Precautions
Observe the following precautions when using Suspend mode:
Using Power Management Options
Using PowerProfiler
• Save all open files before you press [Fn+F4] to manually place your
computer into Suspend mode.
• If you purchased a new hard drive, make sure that you create a save to
disk partition equal to the amount of system memory plus the amount of
video memory plus 2 MB, before you enable save to disk mode. See
”Creating a Save-To-Disk Partition” on page 97 for more information.
• Do not try to resume to full-power mode using battery power if the battery
charge is low. If the battery charge is too low, the system may not be able
to resume fully. Plug in the power cord if your computer cannot resume
normal operation because of a low battery charge.
When your computer is in Save to RAM or Save to Disk mode, do not
connect or remove any devices (including PC Cards or memory modules)
because you may damage the computer or Resume To Full Power may fail.
If a floppy disk is in the floppy drive, do not remove it or switch it with
another disk. However, you can plug in the AC adapter if the Resume To Full
Power fails because of a low battery charge. When the computer is in Save
To Disk mode, you can remove and replace the battery.
Using PowerProfiler
PowerProfiler enables you to set power-management options for computers
shipped with Windows NT installed. To open the PowerProfiler window, double-
click the battery icon on the right corner of the Windows task bar or click on the
PowerProfiler icon in the Program bar. If you click the icon with the right mouse
button, a menu appears with an option to put the computer in Suspend mode.
Click the Standard tab in PowerProfiler to set timeouts for the LCD and the hard
drive. You can also set power management to be enabled: Always, Battery Only,
or Never. The Advanced screen in PowerProfiler enables resume from rest
options, and the Battery screen enables options to conserve battery life.
Keep the following in mind when using PowerProfiler:
• If you disable power management in PowerProfiler, the setting overrides
any power-management settings in System Setup.
• If you enable LCD and hard drive timeouts in PowerProfiler and the
standby timeout in System Setup, the LCD and hard drive turn off when the
shortest timeout period in either program passes.
Using Power Management Options
Using PowerProfiler
• If you disable the Resume on Time field in System Setup, the same field in
PowerProfiler is also automatically disabled. An easy way to work with
these two fields is to set the resume time to 0 in System Setup and set the
actual resume time that you desire in PowerProfiler.
PowerProfiler maintains the accuracy of the system clock when the computer
resumes from rest mode. If PowerProfiler is closed or removed from your hard
drive, your system clock may not be accurate when your computer resumes from
rest mode.
For more information on PowerProfiler, see the Help option in the PowerProfiler
Creating a Save-To-Disk Partition
Using PowerProfiler
Chapter 10 - Creating a Save-To-Disk Partition
The hard drive shipped in your computer has a save-to-disk partition in which data
from system and video memory is stored during save-to-disk mode. The partition
is the maximum size needed for your computer and supports system memory of
256 MB. You can add memory modules to your computer without changing the
size of the partition.
You do not need a Save-to-disk partition if you are running Windows 2000.
Windows 2000 handles Save-to-disk as hibernation. See the Windows 2000
manual for more information.
If you add a new hard drive to your computer, you need to create a save-to-disk
partition on the new hard drive.
If you do not intend to use save-to-disk mode, you do not need to create a save-
to-disk partition.
You can use the Phoenix PHDISK utility, provided on the MRestore CD-ROM disk
to create the save-to-disk partition.
If you want to put programs or files from your current hard drive onto the new hard
drive, back up data files on your old hard drive before creating a save-to-disk
partition on the new drive.
If you do not intend to use the save-to-disk mode, you can delete the save-to-disk
partition on a hard drive using PHDISK /delete. Then you can repartition and
reformat the save-to-disk partition for some other application. Back up your hard
drive before deleting the partition if you feel unsure about how to do this.
Before you use PHDISK to create a save-to-disk partition, do the following:
• Under the Boot menu in System Setup, set Diskette Drive as the first boot
device (see “Using System Setup” on page 75 for information on setting
• Create a PHDISK disk.
To create a suspend partition:
Creating a Save-To-Disk Partition
Using PowerProfiler
1. Turn off the computer, remove your old hard drive, and insert the new one into
your computer. (See ”Using the Hard Drive” on page 39 for instructions.)
2. Insert the PHDISK disk into the floppy drive and start your computer.
3. At the A: prompt, type phdisk /create 206784 /partition and press [Enter].
PHDISK automatically creates a save-to-disk partition of the maximum size for
your computer. When the save-to-disk partition has been created, the
message “Save-to-disk partition created successfully” appears.
4. Remove the PHDISK floppy disk from the floppy drive.
5. Install your computer’s Operating System and your original applications and
6. Reinstall any program and data files that you backed up.
Software Utilities
MRestore CD-ROM
Chapter 11 - Software Utilities
MRestore CD-ROM
Included with your notebook computer is a CD-ROM titled MRestore. This CD is
only functional on Micron systems with an approved Micron BIOS.
Included on this CD-ROM are the following:
• The MCRC (Micron Customer Resource Center)
• Drivers (with instructions)
• A bootable option to access basic DOS functions, such as disk, format, etc.
• Drive Image / PartitionMagic / Drive Copy by PowerQuest
• Drive Image manual/user’s guide (more comprehensive than space allows
within this guide). These may or may not reflect the actual package that
you have; other applications may or may not be referenced.
MCRC (Micron Customer
Resource Center)
Use this CD to install drivers one at a time. It is a program that can only be used
from within Windows. This CD is needed to load any drivers that are not shipped
installed on the notebook as a default (such as DVD).
To use the MCRC, boot your system to its current operation system (such as
Windows 95/98), insert the MCRC CD and follow all instructions.
All drivers are pre-installed and tested by Micron. You will not have to run this CD
unless you are experiencing problems with your system or if you have recently
reinstalled the operation system.
Drive Image 3.0
Partition magic software is provided so you will have a method of storing an image
if no other means of storage are available. PartitionMagic can only be run from
DOS level. The object of this software is to create partitions and move them to an
appropriate size for your needs. It also converts them with different FAT tables.
This software becomes very useful when there is no location for your storage.
This is a brief overview of what is contained in the PDF located in
the:\pqtools\userinfo directory on the CD.
Drive Image is for PC users who want a fast, complete solution for system
backups and recovery. With Drive Image you can easily create and store a
Software Utilities
Drive Image 3.0
compressible image of the entire hard drive or individual partition on a Jaz, Zip,
secondary hard drive, or other removable media device. The image can then be
restored from the source and used for complete Operating System application
and data recovery.
Currently, Drive Image does not support creating image files directly on CD-ROM
or tape drives. You must first save image files to a supported source (hard drive,
Zip drive, etc.), then copy them to CD-ROM or tape. Drive Image can, however,
directly restore image files from CD-ROM.
Furthermore, image files can only be saved to devices that have a valid drive
letter. While Drive Image includes some device drivers (such as Zip), the user is
primarily responsible for loading the necessary drivers for their data storage
devices so that DOS can correctly assign drive letters (such as USB Zip or 2 GB
Drive Image also includes other useful features such as the ability to resize
partitions, disk to disk copying for upgrading to a larger hard drive, and file
systems error and bad sector checking to prevent copying problems.
Drive Image supports the file systems of all versions of Windows 95/98, Windows
NT, Windows 3.x, DOS. And OS/2 including FAT32, FAT32X, NTFS, and HPFS
partition types. Because Drive Image understands the internal structure of these
file systems, partition resizing and fast SmartSector copying can occur.
Drive Image provides limited support for NetWare, Linux, UNIX and other partition
types. However, Drive Image copies such partitions sector by sector—and does
not resize them on the destination drive—making the image file creation and
restoration process for these file systems more time consuming. Additionally,
internal disk location references are not modified on the destination drive. This
may make these partitions unbootable or otherwise inaccessible.
Drive Image is a DOS-based program that can be run from the hard drive in DOS
or MS-DOS mode or from a CD after booting DOS. Because multi-tasking
Operating Systems like Windows 95/98 and Windows NT operate with open files
on the hard drive, it is necessary to run Drive Image from DOS so that image files
are an exact copy of your hard drive. By running DOS, the hard drive is
completely inactive with no open files.
Software Utilities
Drive Image Professional
If you want the absolute fastest way to clone workstations, a Drive Image
Professional version is available for use on multiple PCs. For more information or
for upgrades contact PowerQuest sales at 801-226-8977 or visit their web site at
Drive Image Professional
The complete manual for Drive Image is available on the MRestore CD, in the
PQtools\userinfo folder.
Drive Image System Requirements
TABLE 19. Drive Image System Requirements
Hardware/Software Minimum
Intel 386SX
Intel 486 above
8 MB (16MB required 32 MB (48 MB for FAT 32
for FAT 32 or NTFS)
partitions larger than 6 GB)
3.5 inch diskette drive None
Any speed
Any speed
5 MB
Hard drive free space 5 MB
Operating System
Windows 3.x, 95/98,
NT, DOS 5.0, OS/2*
Windows 3.x, 95/98, NT,
DOS 5.0, OS/2*
Pointing Device
No pointing device is Microsoft mouse (or
required to operate
Drive Image
compatible pointing
* For Windows NT and OS/2 users, Drive Image must be run from a bootable
floppy or CD.
Creating Image Files
If you create an image on one machine and you wish to restore the image on a
machine with a different configuration (for example, a different motherboard or
video card), the Operating System may not boot correctly. Therefore, we
recommend imaging and restoring to identical hardware configurations.
Any discussion of hard-disk imaging assumes that the software, including the
Operating System, is being copied in accordance with the license agreement with
the software manufacturer.
1. Disable virus protection in the BIOS before creating an image file. If virus
protection is enabled, Drive Image will hang after you click Finish.
Software Utilities
Drive Image Professional
2. Before running Drive Image, use a disk utility program such as ScanDisk or
Norton’s Disk Doctor to identify and repair any errors on your hard drive. NT
users should run CHKDSK /F.
3. You may also choose to run a disk defragmenting utility to further optimize
your hard drive.
4. At the Drive Image main screen, click Create Image.
5. If you have more than one hard drive, select the drive that contains the
partitions you wish to include in the image file. A check appears to the left of
the selected drive.
Software Utilities
Drive Image Professional
6. Click Next. At any point prior to actual image file creation, you can click Back
to return to the previous step and change your settings.
7. Select the source drive partition you wish to include in the image file, or click
Select All to automatically select all partitions. A check appears to the left of
the selected partitions.
For best results in creating your image, you should include the Save-To-Disk
partition as well as the other partitions you wish to back up. Save-To-Disk is
necessary for Power Management features.
To deselect partitions, click again on a partition or click Select None to deselect
all partitions at once. The Total Selected field displays the disk space for all
selected partitions, as well as the total used and free space within the partitions.
8. Click Next. Type the desired path and image filename in the Image File field,
for example: D:\MYIMAGE.PQI. Make sure there is no existing file with the
same name, unless you want the existing file to be overwritten.
9. You must save your image file to a partition, or other location that you are not
including in your image file. Drive Image uses .PQI as the default image
filename extension. You can also click Browse to browse the directory tree for
your desired path or filename. You can save your image file to any physical or
logical drive which has a drive letter. That includes floppy drives, secondary
Software Utilities
Drive Image Professional
hard drives, network drives, and removable media storage devices such as
Jaz, Zip, MO, and SyQuest drives. Network drives must be visible as a drive
10.(Optional) Type brief comments about your image file in the Image File
Comments field. Comments cannot exceed 300 characters.
11.Click Next. Select the desired compression level.
• No Compression is usually the fastest method for creating an image file
and is useful if storage space is not an issue. However, if you are saving
your image file to a busy network drive or to a relatively slow removable
media device, high compression may be faster than no compression since
there is less data to write to the file. Drive Image selects No Compression
by default.
• Low compression offers a 40% average compression ratio.
• High compression offers a 50% average compression ratio.
Software Utilities
Drive Image Professional
In general, compressed image files created with new versions of Drive Image are
not compatible with earlier versions.
12.Click Next. Drive Image displays all the information you have entered to this
• Source Drive
• Source Partitions (partitions to be included in the image file are marked
with an “X”)
• Image Filename
• Compression Level
13.To modify any settings, click Back.
Software Utilities
Drive Image Professional
14.Click Advanced Options to set such options as disabling file system error-
checking or password-protecting your image file.
15.Click Finish to begin creating the image file. If you entered a name of a current
file, Drive Image displays a message that <path and filename> already exists.
You can replace the existing file or choose a new filename. If Drive Image
detects that you are saving your image file to removable media, it enables a
media-spanning feature that spreads the image file over a series of disks. You
must have at least 100K of available space on each disk in the series. If you
use the media-spanning feature, be sure to number the media in order, since
you must insert them in sequence when restoring the image file. The Creating
the Image screen appears.
Upon completion, the following message appears: “Image was copied
successfully to file: <image filename>”.
16.Click OK to return to the Drive Image main screen.
Software Utilities
Drive Image Professional
The Create Image Advanced Options dialog box appears when you click
Advanced Options
Advanced Options at the Ready To Create Image File screen.
Clear the Check for File System Errors check box if you want to disable file
system error checking.
If you have already used a disk utility program such as ScanDisk to check your
hard drive for errors, it is not necessary to have Drive Image check for file system
errors. Clearing the box Check for File System Errors saves time when creating
the image file.
If you did not run a disk check utility program before loading Drive Image, leave
the Check for File System Errors check box selected.
Disable SmartSector Copying
Drive Image’s SmartSector technology speeds up the imaging process by only
copying clusters and sectors which contain data. However, in some cases, such
as high-security environments, it may be desirable to copy all clusters and sectors
in their original layout, whether or not they contain data.
To copy both used and unused clusters and sectors, click Disable SmartSector
Copying. Disabling SmartSector copying increases processing time and the size
of the generated .PQI file.
Verify Disk Writes
Click Verify Disk Writes if you want to enable DOS disk write verification.
Disk write verification is not critical to safely create image files. Enabling disk write
verification can slow the image file creation by as much as seven times.
Software Utilities
Drive Image Professional
To password-protect your image file, click Password Protect Image File and
type a password in the Password field.
Record image file passwords and store them in a safe place. If you forget an
image file’s password, you cannot restore the file.
Split Image File Into Multiple Files
Restoring Image Files
Sometimes it is useful to force Drive Image to split a large image file into smaller
files. To do so, click Split Image File Into Multiple Files and enter the maximum
byte size for each file in the File Size (bytes) field. If you wish to save the files to
CDs, specify a file size of 650,000,000 bytes (650 MB) or less.
• If you are restoring an image file to set up a new hard drive on a machine
with a BIOS older than 1994, see “Using Drive Image with Drive Overlay
Software” in the Drive Image manual on the MRestore CD, located at
• To restore selected files from a compressed or spanned image file, see
“Restoring Files from Spanned or Compressed Images” in the Drive Image
manual included on the MRestore CD.
To restore an image file to a different drive or partition:
1. Ensure that virus protection is disabled in the BIOS. If virus protection is
enabled, Drive Image will hang when you click Finish at this end of this
2. Start Drive Image, then click Restore Image.
Software Utilities
Drive Image Professional
3. In the Image File field, enter the path and filename of the image file you want
to restore, or click Browse to select the path and image file.
4. Click Next. At any point prior to actual image file restore, you can click Back to
return to the previous step and change your settings.
5. If you have more than one partition, you can select the partitions you want to
restore. Select the image file partitions, or click Select All. A check appears to
the left of the selected partitions.
6. To deselect partitions, click again on a partition or click Select None. The
Total Selected field keeps a running total of the disk space for all selected
partitions, including total used and free space.
Software Utilities
Drive Image Professional
7. Click Next. If you have more than one hard drive, select the drive where you
want to restore the image file.
8. Click Next.
9. Select an existing partition or free space (non-partitioned disk space).
10.If the destination partition or free space is not large enough to accommodate
the partitions you wish to restore, or if you are restoring the image file to a
larger drive and want to set a specific size for partitions rather than use the
proportional resize option, you may want to resize the partitions. If this does
not apply to you, go to Step 17 on page 112.
Software Utilities
Drive Image Professional
11.Click Resize Source Partitions. The Resize Partitions window displays.
The Selected Source Partitions group box displays the partitions you selected to
restore. The Totals field displays the disk space for the source partitions. A
formula box below the Totals field displays:
• Destination Size
• Current Size of Selected Partition
• Remaining Space in Destination
12.Click Resize. The Resize Partition window appears. The Maximum Size field
displays the largest possible size the source partitions can have and still fit in
the destination space. The Minimum Size field shows the smallest possible
size the source partitions can occupy.
13.In the New Size field, enter a number that is less than the Maximum Size and
greater than or equal to the Minimum Size.
Software Utilities
Drive Image Professional
14.Click OK. Since partitions must end on a cylinder boundary, Drive Image
rounds the New Size up to the next cylinder boundary.
15.Click Accept. Later, when you restore the image file, Drive Image resizes the
16.Click Next. If you selected an existing partition as the destination, the following
message appears.
Drive Image does not delete the partition until you click Finish on the Ready to
Restore Image File screen. If the free space on the destination drive is greater
than the space required to restore the selected partitions, the Resize Options
dialog appears. For more information, refer to the Drive Image manual, available
on the MRestore CD. The Select Disk Write Mode dialog box appears.
17.Click the disk write mode you want.
• Fast is the quickest way to restore an image.
Software Utilities
Drive Image Professional
• Safe checks for bad sectors and enables DOS disk write verification. You
can also enable the safe options independently using the Advanced
Options button in Step 19 page 113. For example, if you want to enable
DOS disk write verification but not check for bad sectors, you can use
Advanced Options instead of clicking Safe mode in this dialog box.
18.Drive Image displays all the information you have entered to this point. To
modify any settings, click Back.
19.If you wish to enable bad-sector checking or turn on DOS disk write
verification, click Advanced Options.
Restoring multiple logical partitions can cause the drive letters of subsequent
partitions to change. This may make the computer unbootable or cause
applications to fail.
20.Click Finish to begin restoring the image file.
21.If you assigned a password to the image file when you created it, the Get
Image File Password dialog box appears. You must enter the correct
password in order to restore the image file.
The Restoring the Image dialog appears, tracking the following items:
• Image filename
• Estimated megabytes to restore
• Total megabytes copied
• Entire process progress bar
Software Utilities
Drive Image Professional
• Information about current partition (volume, type, size MB, used MB, free
• Sub-process progress bar
• Transfer rate for current partition
• Total megabytes copied for current partition
• Time elapsed
• Estimated time remaining
Upon completion, the message “Image was restored successfully” appears.
22.Click OK to return to the Drive Image main screen.
Resize Options
The following options are available when restoring partitions if the free space on
the destination drive is greater than the space required by the partitions.
• Automatically resize partitions proportionally to fit. Click this option to
allow Drive Image to automatically expand the partitions in equal
proportions to occupy the destination drive’s remaining free space.
• Leave remaining free space. Click this option if you want to leave any
remaining free space unused on the destination drive after the partitions
are restored.
• Resize partitions manually to fit. Click this option to display the Resize
Partition window where you can manually set the size of the partitions to fit
in the destination drive’s remaining free space.
Advanced Options
At the Ready To Restore Image File screen, click Advanced Options to access
the following.
Software Utilities
Check for File System Errors
Clear the Check for File System Errors check box to disable file system error
checking. If you have already used a disk utility program such as ScanDisk to
check your hard drive for errors, it is not necessary to have Drive Image check for
file system errors. Clearing this option saves time in restoring images. Note that
Drive Image cannot restore partitions with file system errors.
Skip Bad Sector Check
To save time in restoring the image file, set this option. Although most drives do
not have bad sectors, the potential for problems increases during the lifetime of
the hard drive. If you have an older hard drive, it is wise to enable bad-sector
Verify Check Writes
Click Verify Disk Writes if you want to enable DOS disk write verification. Disk
write verification is not critical to safely restore image files. Enabling disk write
verification can slow the image restore process by as much as seven times.
Imagine how disorganized your office would be if you kept all your files in one
drawer. Surprisingly, this is similar to the way many people organize the space on
their hard disks. With PartitionMagic, you can quickly and easily create separate
“file drawers,” or partitions, on your hard disks for storing valuable information
such as data files, applications, and Operating System. Storing information in
separate partitions helps you organize and protect your data, safely run multiple
Operating Systems, and reclaim wasted disk space.
PartitionMagic enables you to secure your data by physically separating it from
other files. Separate partitions also make backups to networks and removable
drives easy.
Because of limitations with the FAT file system which is used by many popular
Operating Systems such as DOS and Windows 95, as much as 40 percent of your
hard-disk space can be wasted. PartitionMagic reclaims wasted space quickly
and safely by using more efficient partition sizes. It can also convert FAT
partitions to FAT32 and vice versa. With Windows NT you are required to use the
convert program provided by the operation system.
With PartitionMagic, partitioning your hard disk has never been easier.
We recommend creating an image file before installing or changing anything on
your system.
Software Utilities
In the PartitionMagic main window, the menu bar and a toolbar appear at the top
of the window. The menu bar gives you access to all of PartitionMagic’s features,
while the toolbar gives you quick access to commonly-used options.
Partition Information
The partition area displays information about the selected hard disk’s partitions. It
consists of two areas: the partition map, which displays information graphically;
and the partition list, which displays partition information in text form.
Partition Map
Partition List
The partition map shows the partitions approximately to scale. Each partition is
represented by a different color according to the file system it uses. If the selected
hard disk contains logical partitions, the logical partitions are shown within an
extended partition.
The partition list displays the following information about each partition: drive
letter, volume label, file system type, size, amount of used and free space, status,
and whether the partition is a primary or logical partition.
Primary partition drive letters are flush left, followed by a colon and the volume
name. Logical partition drive letters and volume labels are indented. An asterisk
(*) appears in place of a drive letter for:
• Hidden partitions
• Extended partitions
• Partitions with file systems not supported by the active Operating System
• Free space
The partition size, used space, and free space values are displayed in megabytes.
A partition’s status can be:
• Active: The partition the computer boots from.
None: Partitions that are not active or hidden.
Software Utilities
You can navigate PartitionMagic using the mouse or the keyboard.
The partition size, used space, and free space values are displayed in megabytes.
To navigate using a mouse, position the mouse pointer on the item you want to
select and click the primary (usually the left) mouse button. This action is simply
referred to as “clicking” or “click.” While you can make most of your selections
using the mouse, a few options require you to type information.
By positioning the pointer on a partition in the partition map or on the partition list
and clicking the secondary (usually the right) mouse button, you can display a
context menu containing the Operations menu options. This action is simply
referred to as “right-clicking” or “right-click.” To select an option on the context
menu, click the option.
PartitionMagic Help
While using PartitionMagic, you can quickly get both comprehensive and context-
sensitive help when you need it. PartitionMagic’s comprehensive online Help
system provides in-depth information on PartitionMagic’s features as well as
step-by-step instructions on performing specific tasks.
To access Help, click Help > Contents on the menu bar in the PartitionMagic
main window. The Help Contents page organizes the Help system into books
and pages.
Some help topic reference applications are not available with MRestore CD.
ReadMe File
README.TXT is an invaluable resource for the most current information at the
time the product shipped. It includes information that may have changed since this
guide was printed, corrections to the manual or help system, and information
specific to installation or configuration issues.
Completing Tasks Manually
To manually complete a task, follow this general four-step process:
1. Select a hard disk.
2. Select a partition.
3. Select an operation.
4. Apply changes to your system.
Selecting a Hard Disk
The Disk option on the toolbar displays the currently selected disk and its size in
megabytes (MB).
Software Utilities
To select a disk:
• On the toolbar, click the arrow button to the right of the currently selected
disk to open a drop-down list of all the disks on your system, and then click
the disk you want to select.
• On the menu bar, click Drives and then select a disk.
Drives do not appear on the menu bar unless you have multiple hard disks.
Selecting a Partition
The selected partition is highlighted in the partition list.
To select a partition:
1. Click the partition in the partition list or on the partition map.
2. When you manually complete a task, you most often use the Operations menu.
After you have selected a disk and a partition, you can select an operation
using the toolbar, the context menu, the menu bar, or the keyboard.
If an operation cannot be performed on the selected partition, the operation is
To select an operation,
• On the tool bar, click the operation’s button. When you place the pointer on
a tool bar button, a pop-up window appears describing the button’s
• In the partition map or partition list, right-click the partition you want to
change, and then click the desired operation from the context menu.
• On the menu bar, click Operations then choose the desired operation.
Applying Changes to Your System
As you complete tasks using the Operations menu, the partition map and partition
list reflect the changes you have made. However, no changes physically take
place on your system until you apply them.
Software Utilities
You can tell when changes have been made but not yet applied to your system
when: (1) the Apply option appears in the main window, and (2) the status box in
the lower right corner of the main window indicates that operations are pending.
To apply changes to your system, click Apply or click on the toolbar. If you wish to
discard the changes and start over, click on the toolbar.
You can also apply and discard changes using the General menu.
Changing PartitionMagic
From the General menu, you can change various program preferences. Each
preference is a toggle and, like a light switch, is either on (enabled) or off
(disabled). A check mark next to a preference indicates it is enabled.
System supports FAT32 indicates whether the current Operating System supports
FAT32 partitions. Windows 95 OEM Service Release 2, Windows 98, and
Windows NT 2000 support FAT32 partitions; other Operating Systems do not.
This preference lets you create FAT partitions with 64 KB clusters, which enables
Windows NT to support large hard disks. Because DOS, Windows 3.x,
Windows 95, and Windows 98 do not support cluster sizes larger than 32 KB, you
should never access a 64 KB partition using these Operating Systems. You
should only use 64 KB partitions with Windows NT.
If you are using multiple Operating Systems, we recommend not using 64 KB
To prevent you from inadvertently creating partitions with 64 KB clusters, this
preference is disabled every time you exit PartitionMagic.
When enabled, the 64 KB cluster size is available in the Resize/Move Partition
and Resize Clusters screens.
To enable or disable this preference:
1. In the main window, click General > Preferences.
2. Click Allow 64K FAT Clusters for Windows NT.
3. Click OK.
Ignore OS/2 EA Errors on FAT
This preference tells PartitionMagic whether or not to ignore OS/2 Extended
Attribute errors when it checks a FAT partition.
Software Utilities
If OS/2 is on your computer, do not enable this preference. Data loss could
occur because problems might go undetected.
To enable or disable this preference:
1. In the main window, click General > Preferences.
2. Click Ignore OS/2 EA Errors on FAT.
3. Click OK.
Skip Bad Sector Checks
When PartitionMagic modifies partitions, it performs extensive testing to detect
bad sectors on your hard disk. Newer disk types (such as Enhanced IDE and
SCSI) often handle bad sectors internally, making such testing superfluous. For
this reason, PartitionMagic lets you bypass these tests with Skip Bad Sector
Checks. When this preference is enabled, the Resize/Move, Create, Copy, and
Format operations run faster.
If you skip bad sector checks and your hard disk has bad sectors, data loss
can result.
PartitionMagic lets you set this preference individually for each of your hard disks.
If your system has an older disk and a newer one, you could check the older disk
and skip the newer one. A check mark next to a disk means to skip bad sector
checking for that disk.
To enable or disable this preference:
1. In the main window, click General > Preferences.
2. In the Skip bad sector checks box, click the box next to the disk(s) you want
enabled or disabled.
3. Click OK.
Set as Read-Only for
This preference lets you prevent PartitionMagic from making any changes to a
hard disk. The only exception is if the disk contains the boot partition, some files
may be changed, such as the Windows NT boot initialization file.
You can set this preference individually for each of your hard disks.
To enable or disable this preference:
Software Utilities
1. In the main window, click General > Preferences.
2. In the Set as Read-Only for PartitionMagic box, click the box next to the
disk(s) you want enabled or disabled.
3. Click OK.
Creating Partitions
The Create operation lets you create primary partitions, extended partitions, and
logical partitions. On a single hard disk, you can have up to four primary partitions
or three primary partitions and one extended partition. Within an extended
partition, you can create unlimited additional subdivisions called logical partitions.
Generally, you should create primary partitions to install Operating Systems and
logical partitions for all other purposes, such as storing data and applications. If
you have multiple hard disks, you can improve speed by installing Operating
Systems and applications on separate disks. If you do not know what type of
partition you want to create, see “Understanding Partitions” in Basic Concepts in
the PDF version of the complete manual, located on the MRestore CD at
To create a partition, free space must exist on the hard disk. If there is none, use
Resize/Move to make partitions smaller and adjust their location until the free
space is in the desired location.
Always make sure the bootable partition is at the far left.
Creating a new partition can make your drive letters change, causing applications
not to run because application shortcuts, initialization files, and registry entries
refer to incorrect drives.
If using NT you must use the current Operating System conversion method to
convert to NTFS. This can be done from within in the OS in a DOS window (at the
prompt, type Convert C:\FS:NTFS). Once you have gone to NTFS it is not
possible to convert back to FAT or FAT32. Converting back to FAT or FAT32
requires reinstallation of the OS using a FAT table system.
Creating Bootable Partitions
Before creating a partition where you plan to install an Operating System (a
bootable partition), you should understand the information outlined in the following
Software Utilities
TABLE 20. Bootable Partitions
Boots from
Primary or Logical Partition Types Boundary
Primary FAT 2 GB
Boot Code
DOS 6.22
and earlier
8 MB
Windows 95 Primary
Windows 98 Primary
Windows NT Primary*
FAT or FAT32** 8 GB
FAT or FAT32 8 GB
90 MB
175 MB
117 MB
250 MB
110 MB
Linux Ext2
2 GB
8 GB
4 GB
* Windows NT must boot from a primary partition on the first drive. However, only a few NT files must
reside on that partition; the remaining files can reside on a logical partition, which can be located on
the first or a subsequent drive. The NT boot partition can be shared with another operation system.
Additionally, NT must be installed on a FAT partition. During the installation, you can convert the
partition to NTFS.
When you create, move, or resize a bootable partition, the partition must
begin below the boot code boundary specified in Table 20 in order for the
Operating System to boot. With the exception of DOS 6.22 (or earlier) and
OS/2, partitions beyond 8 GB are visible to the current Operating System.
For more information, see “Understanding the BIOS 1,024 Cylinder Limit”
and “Understanding the 64K Boot Code Boundary” under Basic Concepts in
PartitionMagic displays a warning if you attempt to create, move, or resize a
bootable partition outside of the boot code boundary. If you continue with the
operation, you may not be able to boot or to see the partition. In either case, you
can resolve the problem by moving the partition back within the boot code
boundary. In most cases this is not a problem. Always create an image before
changing your configuration.
To Create a Partition
To create a partition:
1. From the Disk drop-down list (located on the toolbar), select the disk where
you wish to create the new partition.
Software Utilities
2. On the partition map or in the partition list, select a block of free space.If no
free space exists, you must resize or delete an existing partition to create free
3. On the toolbar, click C:. The Create Partition screen appears.
You can also click Operations > Create on the menu bar or right-click the free
space and click Create on the Context menu.
4. In the Create as box, click Logical Partition or Primary Partition. If you
select Logical Partition, PartitionMagic automatically creates an extended
partition to enclose the logical partition, or, if you already have an extended
partition, resizes the extended partition larger to encompass the logical
partition (the free space must be inside of or adjacent to the extended
partition). If Logical Partition is unavailable, you may already have four
primary partitions on the hard disk. Or, if you have an extended partition, you
may not have selected a block of free space inside of or adjacent to the
extended partition.
5. From the Partition Type drop-down list, select the desired file system type:
• FAT is the most common file system type. It is used by DOS, Windows 3.x,
Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, and OS/2.
• FAT32 is used by Windows 95 OEM Service Release 2, Windows 98, and
Windows NT 2000.
• HPFS is used by OS/2 and Windows NT 3.51 (and earlier versions).
• NTFS is used only by Windows NT.
• Linux Ext2 is used only by Linux.
• Linux Swap is used only by Linux.
• Extended creates an extended partition which can contain any number of
logical partitions. Extended is not an option if the hard disk already
contains an extended partition or four primary partitions.
• Unformatted creates unformatted free space on your hard drive.
6. If you wish, enter a label (up to 11 alphanumeric characters) for the new
partition. Descriptive labels help remind you what is stored in a partition (for
example, DATA, APPS, WIN95, etc.).
7. In the Size box, enter the desired size for the partition. PartitionMagic
automatically calculates a recommended size (based on the most efficient use
of disk space), which you can accept or change. If the size you specified for
Software Utilities
the new partition is smaller than the available free space, you can position the
partition at the beginning or end of the free space. Generally, it is best to
position the partition at the beginning of the free space. In the Position box,
click Beginning of free space or End of free space.
8. In the Drive Letter field, note the drive letter that will be assigned to the new
partition after reboot.
If you create a primary partition, because only one primary partition can be active
at a time, the new primary partition is automatically given a hidden status and no
drive letter assignment. An exception is Windows NT which can handle multiple
primary active partitions.
If you are running Windows NT, use the drive letter box to type or select the drive
letter you wish to assign to the partition.
9. Click OK. In the lower right corner of the PartitionMagic main window, click
10.Click Yes to confirm that you want to apply the changes. What happens next
depends on whether you have any open files on partitions being affected by
the change.
a. If you have open files, a prompt appears indicating that the changes you
have made require going to MS-DOS mode (if you are using Windows 95
or Window 98) or rebooting (if you are using Windows NT). Click OK to
make the changes. After the changes are made, the computer is rebooted.
If you created a logical partition, the Operating System has assigned the
new partition a drive letter.
b. If you do not have open files, the Batch Progress dialog box appears,
tracking the following items:
• Description of current operation.
• Entire process progress bar.
• Sub-process progress bars.
If you created a logical partition, after the changes are made, PartitionMagic
displays a message indicating that Windows must restart.
Software Utilities
Sample System Configuration
Disk 1 — One 4 GB disk containing:
• One active primary FAT32 partition (C:) running Windows 95.
• One extended partition enclosing one logical FAT partition (E:).
Disk 2 — One 2 GB hard disk containing:
• One 1 GB FAT32 primary partition (D:).
• 1 GB unpartitioned free space.
1. Select Disk 2.
2. Create a logical partition in the 1 GB free space using the following
• Partition Type: Select FAT.
• Label: Type one, if desired.
• Size: Accept the pre-calculated size.
The partition will be assigned drive F: after reboot. Additionally, an extended
partition will automatically be created to enclose the logical partition.
3. Apply the changes to your system.
Deleting Partitions
The Delete operation deletes a partition and destroys all its data. To ensure that
you do not accidentally delete a partition, you must first type the volume label. If
you did not assign a volume label when you created the partition, you must type
NO NAME to confirm the deletion.
To delete an extended partition, you must first delete all logical partitions within
the extended partition.
Deleting a partition can make your drive letters change, causing applications not
to run because application shortcuts, initialization files, and registry entries refer to
incorrect drives.
Performing the following procedure will destroy all data on the selected
partition and may change drive letter assignments. See “How the OS
Software Utilities
Assigns Drive Letters” and “Problems Caused by Drive Letter Changes” in
Basic Concepts in Help.
To delete a partition:
1. From the Disk drop-down list (located on the toolbar), select the disk with the
partition you wish to delete.
2. On the partition map or in the partition list, select the partition you want to
3. On the toolbar, click the Delete button (X). The Delete Partition dialog
4. Type the volume label to confirm the deletion.
The Delete Partition dialog displays the current volume label. The volume shown
above the label is DATA.
5. Click OK.
6. In the lower right corner of the PartitionMagic main window, click Apply. You
can also click on the toolbar to apply the changes. If you do not wish to commit
to the pending changes, click on the toolbar to discard the changes and start
You may perform other partition operations and then click Apply after completing
all of them.
7. Click Yes to confirm that you want to apply the changes.
Changing Partition Labels
The Label operation lets you to change a partition’s volume label. Giving your
partitions meaningful names makes managing them easier. For example, by
labeling a partition GAMES, you can tell at a glance what that partition contains.
Labels can be up to 11 alphanumeric characters. Labels follow the same rules as
DOS names, with two exceptions: spaces are allowed, and no period is required
between the first eight characters and the last three.
To change a partition label:
1. From the Disk drop-down list (located on the toolbar), select the disk with the
partition whose label you wish to change.
2. On the partition map or in the partition list, select the partition with the label you
want to change.
Software Utilities
3. On the toolbar, click the Label icon. The Label Partition dialog appears:
4. In the New Label box, type the new label. Labels cannot contain these special
characters: [*?:<>|+=;\/”,].
5. Click OK. In the lower right corner of the PartitionMagic main window, click
6. Click Yes to confirm that you want to apply the changes.
Formatting Partitions
The Format operation formats a partition, destroying all its data in the process.
Formatting enables you to put a different file system on a partition. To ensure that
you do not accidentally format a partition, you must first type the volume label. If
you did not assign a volume label when you created the partition, you must type
NO NAME to confirm deletion.
PartitionMagic has several conversion options that let you convert from one file
system to another without destroying existing files in a partition.
To format a partition:
1. From the Disk drop-down list (located on the toolbar), select the disk with the
partition you wish to format.
2. On the partition map or in the partition list, select the partition you want to
format. On the toolbar, click the Format icon. The Format Verification screen
You can also click Operations > Format on the menu bar or right-click the
partition and click Format on the Context menu.
3. Type the current volume label.
4. Click Continue to verify your intent to format the partition. The Format
Partition screen appears:
5. From the Partition Type drop-down list, select the desired file system type.
6. If the partition is too small or too large, some partition types may not be
available. If you wish, type a label for the partition.
7. Click OK. In the lower right corner of the PartitionMagic main window, click
8. Click Yes to confirm that you want to apply the changes.
Software Utilities
Converting FAT to FAT32
The Convert FAT to FAT32 operation converts a FAT partition to FAT32. FAT32
partitions have less wasted disk space than FAT partitions. However, you should
be aware of these issues:
• You must have Windows 95 OEM Service Release 2, Windows 98, or
Windows NT 2000 to access files on a FAT32 partition. (NT 4.0 is NOT
compatible with a FAT 32 partition.)
• If you are using multiple Operating Systems, FAT32 partitions are
inaccessible when the other Operating Systems are running.
Save-to-disk partitions cannot be resized or converted to any file system;
they can only be deleted.
The minimum size for a FAT32 partition is 256 MB.
To convert from FAT to FAT32:
1. From the Disk drop-down list (located on the toolbar), select the disk
containing the partition you wish to convert.
2. On the partition map or in the partition list, right-click the FAT partition you want
to convert to FAT32 and click Convert > Convert FAT to FAT32 on the
context menu.
You can also select the partition and click Operations > Convert > Convert FAT
to FAT32 on the menu bar.
3. To continue with the conversion, click OK.
4. In the lower right corner of the PartitionMagic main window, click Apply.
5. Click Yes to confirm that you want to apply the changes.
Converting FAT to NTFS
The Convert FAT to NTFS operation launches the Microsoft Convert utility to
convert a FAT partition to NTFS. You must be running Windows NT to complete
this conversion. At a Command Prompt window, type Convert C:\FS\NTFS.
If you boot multiple OSs you must be very careful converting FAT to NTFS. NTFS
is only accessible with Windows NT; therefore, the data in this partition will not be
accessible if you boot DOS or Windows 95/98. This is a one-way conversion; to
revert back to FAT you must back up all your files, reformat the partition, and
restore the files.
Software Utilities
If NTFS is the full size of your drive and no DOS partition is available, you must
copy the pqmagic files to a bootable floppy and at the command line type
Pqmagic/PQB=a:Pqbatch.pqb. Because NTFS is not accessible from DOS it is
unable to copy the batchfile process to the hard drive. By typing the Pqmagic/
PQB=a:Pqbatch.pqb command, it is able to write to the floppy. PartitionMagic
can now complete the tasks specified.
The Convert FAT32 to FAT operation converts a FAT32 partition to FAT. To
complete this conversion, the partition must have at least 300-400 MB free space
because of how the FAT file system allocates disk space for file storage.
To convert a FAT32 partition to FAT:
1. From the Disk drop-down list (located on the toolbar), select the disk
containing the partition you want to convert.
2. On the partition map or in the partition list, right-click the partition you want to
convert and click Convert > Convert FAT32 to FAT on the context menu.
You can also select the partition and click Operations > Convert > Convert
FAT32 to FAT on the menu bar. At this point, PartitionMagic may report too many
root directory entries (the maximum number of entries in a FAT partition’s root
directory is limited, unlike a FAT32 partition’s root directory). In this case, move or
copy some of the files in the root directory to another location and then start the
conversion again.
3. To continue with the conversion, click OK.
4. In the lower right corner of the PartitionMagic main window, click Apply.
5. Click Yes to confirm that you want to apply the changes.
• Description of current operation.
• Entire process progress bar.
• Sub-process progress bars.
When all operations are complete, click OK to close the Batch Progress dialog
and return to the PartitionMagic main window. The partition is converted.
Software Utilities
NTFS does NOT convert to anything. You must stay with this partition format or
reinstall the Operating System.
Because of the above example, we recommend that you create an image of
your hard drive before modifying or installing anything. (Create an image of
hard drive while using the FAT file system.)
Drive Copy
DriveCopy is an easy-to-use utility for copying the contents of one hard drive to
another. It is not used for creating backups; it is only used for hard drive to hard
drive transfers. DriveCopy copies everything on your drive in a few simple steps
without losing a single preference, setting, or byte of data. With DriveCopy, you
can move your Operating System, applications, and data to a larger or smaller
hard drive. DriveCopy copies FAT, FAT32, FAT32X, NTFS, and HPFS partition
types in all versions of Windows 95 and Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 3.x,
DOS, and OS/2. By copying, partitions are copied and then expanded to occupy
the same proportion of the new hard drive as they occupied on the original hard
Copying Entire Drives
This utility may be accessed on the MRestore CD included with your computer.
To copy the contents of one hard drive to another, perform the following:
1. At the DriveCopy main screen, click Entire Disk to Disk Copy.
2. From the Source Drive group box, select the source drive. A check mark
appears to the left of the selected drive.
Please be aware that it is NOT necessary to format or partition your destination
drive. DriveCopy automatically performs both these functions.
3. From the Destination Drive group box, select the destination drive. A check
mark appears to the left of the selected drive.
4. Click Next. DriveCopy displays all the information you have entered to this
• Source drive
• Source partitions
• Destination drive
Software Utilities
5. If you wish to alter any settings, click Previous to backtrack and make
6. If you wish to set options such as disabling file system error-checking or hiding
partitions after copy, click Advanced Options.
Copying multiple logical partitions can cause the drive letters of subsequent
partitions to change. This may make the computer unbootable or cause
applications to fail.
7. Click Finish to begin copying. The Copying Disk To Disk screen appears,
tracking the following items:
• Estimated megabytes to copy.
• Total megabytes copied.
• Entire process progress bar.
• Information about partition (volume, type, size MB, used MB, free MB).
• Sub-process progress bar.
• Transfer rate for current partition.
• Total megabytes copied for current partition.
• Time elapsed.
• Estimated time remaining.
8. Upon completion, the following message appears: “Selected partition(s) copied
successfully. Would you like to view results? Yes/No”. Click Yes to view
information about the copied partition(s) such as volume type, status, size,
used MB, free MB, and primary or logical format.
9. If no active partition exists on destination drive, the following message
appears: “No active (bootable) partition exists on destination drive. Would you
like to set an active partition now? Yes/No.” Select Yes to set an active
10.If the destination drive will be designated as the Master drive, you must set the
partition active that contains your Operating System. To set the Operating
System partition active, perform the following:
a. Click Yes.
b. Select the partition containing your Operating System.
c. Click Set Active.
d. Click Close.
11.From the DriveCopy main screen, click Exit.
Software Utilities
PHDISK Utility
PHDISK.EXE is the utility program you use to prepare your hard disk for the
Suspend to Disk function. It can be used to prepare a dedicated partition prior to
storing system configuration data, and system and video memory. Do not remove
this partition, labeled “non-DOS” from your hard drive using FDISK. This would
disable the TransPort LT’s ability from saving to disk.
PHDISK Utility
The following table lists the PHDISK command line options and additional
parameters. The PHDISK options can be called by using only the first letter of
each option and parameter. For instance, either PHDISK /REFORMAT or
PHDISK /R will invoke the reformat option.
TABLE 21. Command Line Options
Parameters Description
Displays the PHDISK opening screen.
/PARTITION Formats the save-to-disk partition
/PARTITION Deletes the save-to-disk partition
/PARTITION Displays data about the save-to-disk portion
or file
/REFORMAT /PARTITION Reforms the save-to-disk portion after an
error is detected
Following is an example of the kind of information that is displayed when PHDISK
is called without a command line option. This example displays Save-To-Disk
PARTITION INFORMATION headers. This header is displayed only when a
Save-To-Disk partition exists.
The USAGE and OPTIONS headers are displayed in several screens displayed
Help Screen
The HELP screen is displayed when PHDISK is called without any command-line
The CREATE option measures the amount of on-board memory, and partitions a
segment of the hard disk drive large enough to store all data present in the
segment. The CREATE option formats the Save-To-Disk partition or file, marking
bad spots on the hard disk drive as they are found.
Software Utilities
PHDISK Utility
Automatic Memory Size
PHDISK automatically measures all system and video memory and calculates the
exact amount of hard disk space required to store the maximum amount of data
present in memory.
Micron has already placed a partition on your hard drive that will handle all the
way up to a fully populated 256 MB system.
User-specified Memory Size
The user may specify a certain amount of memory to be allocated for the Save-
To-Disk function. However, the amount of space required to store all system and
video memory is calculated automatically, whenever the CREATE option is used,
even if the user specifies an amount.
If the amount specified by the user is equal to or greater than the calculated
amount, then the user-specified amount is allocated. If the user-specified amount
is less than the calculated amount, then no space is allocated, and an error
message is displayed. If you wish to allocate a specific amount of disk space for
this function, enter the amount in kilobytes, as a simple decimal number, without
any notation such as K or KB.
/Partition or /P
PARTITION creates a hard disk partition where only Save-To-Disk data can be
The syntax of the PHDISK /CREATE option is:
/CREATE Option Syntax
The /REFORMAT option resets the pointers in a Save-To-Disk partition. This
option should be used after a Save-To-Disk operation is terminated by a read or
write error.
TABLE 22. Reformat Option
Reformats the Save-To-Disk
INFO Option
The /INFO option displays data about the Save-To-Disk partition or file.
Following is an example of the output of the /INFO option when a Save-To-Disk
partition exists on the system.
Software Utilities
PHDISK Utility
TABLE 23. INFO Option
PHDISK/INFO/PARTITION Displays the size (in kilobytes) and
location of the Save-To-Disk
PHDISK Sign-on Message
Unrecognized Option
A PHDISK sign-on message will appear.
The following text is displayed when an invalid option or parameter is entered on
the command line. “Error: (User option) is an unrecognized command line option.
For a command line summary, invoke PHDISK without any parameters.”
The following text is displayed when no Save-To-Disk partition exists, or the
partition table on head 0, cylinder 0, sector 1 is corrupted. “Error: The Phoenix
NoteBIOSTM Save-To-Disk partition doesn’t exist or the hard disk partition table on
head 0, cylinder 0, sector 1 is corrupted. Invoke PHDISK/CREATE to create the
Save-To-Disk partition.”
Execute PHDISK/PARTITION/REFORMAT to reset the GSM flags.
Fatal Error
The following text is displayed when the amount of unused disk space available is
less than the amount required to create the Save-To-Disk partition. “Error: Not
enough free disk space exists to create the suspend to disk partition. Refer to the
user manual for possible suggestions on increasing the amount of free disk space
for the suspend to disk partition.”
Delete unused files, backup the DOS partition, reformat the disk, then run
PHDISK /PARTITION /CREATE to create a larger partition.
Save-To-Disk Partition Exits
The following text is displayed when a PHDISK /CREATE /PARTITION operation
is attempted while a Save-To-Disk partition exists. “Error: Phoenix NoteBIOS
Save-To-Disk partition already exists. To resize the partition, delete the existing
partition with PHDISK/DELETE and create the partition with PHDISK/CREATE.”
Re-allocate the Save-To-Disk partition, if needed; or do nothing.
First Two Sectors Bad
The following text is displayed when the Save-To-Disk partition cannot be used.
“Error: The first two sectors in the Save-To-Disk partition are both unusable. This
disk is unsuitable for the Phoenix NoteBIOS Save-To-Disk feature.”
Software Utilities
PHDISK Utility
The following text is displayed when a hard disk error is detected during any
Save-To-Disk operation. (The word fatal simply means that the program was
terminated, not that your hard disk is damaged.) Error-A fatal hard disk error has
occurred. Check your hardware configuration and re-execute.”
Run a hard disk utility program to determine the source of the error, then run
PHDISK again.
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Restoring your Computer
To (re)install your Operating System:
Chapter 12 - Restoring your Computer
Notebook computers that ship from the factory include one Microsoft Windows 98,
Windows 2000, or Windows NT 4.0 CD-ROM and System utility CD-ROM, which
contains a copy of the applications and drivers needed for a computer’s Operating
In the unlikely event that programs on the computer hard drive become corrupted
or are erased, you can use the Microsoft Operating System CD-ROM to reinstall
your Operating System and then the System utility CD-ROM to reinstall your
original applications and drivers.
Under the Boot menu in System Setup, set Diskette Drive as the first boot device
and CD-ROM Drive as the second. (See “Using System Setup” on page 75. for
information on setting options.)
See the documentation that accompanied your Operating System for detailed
information on installation and setup.
To (re)install your
Operating System:
Windows 98:
1. Turn off the computer and insert your CD-ROM drive into your computer. (See
”Using the CD-ROM Drive” on page 37 for instructions.)
2. Insert your Microsoft Operating System CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive and
start your computer.
3. Choose Boot from CD-ROM at the Microsoft Windows 98 CD-ROM startup
4. If you do not need to partition or format your hard drive proceed to step 11.
5. Choose Start computer with CD-ROM support at the Microsoft Windows
98 startup menu.
6. If you do not need to partition your hard drive proceed to step 9.
Restoring your Computer
To (re)install your original applications and drivers:
7. Type FDISK at the prompt and partition your hard drive.
8. Restart your computer to allow it to recognize the new partitions.
9. Type FORMAT C:/S at the prompt to format the C: drive, repeat this for any
other drives that you may have.
10.Restart your computer.
11.Choose Start Windows 98 Setup.
12.Follow the prompts to install your Operating System.
Windows NT 4.0 Workstation:
1. Turn off the computer and insert your CD-ROM drive into your computer. (See
”Using the CD-ROM Drive” on page 37 for instructions.)
2. Insert your Microsoft Operating System CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive and
start your computer.
3. Follow the prompts. The installation program will partition and format your hard
drive as necessary, see the documentation that accompanied your Operating
System for more information on installation and setup.
To (re)install your original
applications and drivers:
1. Start your computer and wait for the Operating System to finish loading.
2. Insert your System utility CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
3. Select the first application or driver to begin its installation.
4. Repeat step 3 for each application and driver, reboot if necessary.
Operating Problems
Chapter 13 - Troubleshooting
If you ever have difficulty running your computer, consult the following sections for
advice on how to handle system problems.
If this section does not help you resolve the problem, contact
Technical Support at 1-888-FIX-MYPC (1-888-349-6972).
Operating Problems
The computer does nothing when you turn it on.
Check the battery charge - it may be low. Connect the power cord to get power
and recharge the battery. Try turning on the computer again.
Nothing appears on the LCD panel when you turn on the computer.
Adjust the brightness on a TFT LCD. If you are using an external monitor press
[Fn+F5] to return to the LCD panel.
Nothing appears on the external monitor when you switch the display to it.
Check all monitor connections to verify it is connected properly. Check the
monitor’s power cord to insure it is connected to an AC wall outlet. Check the
brightness and contrast controls on the monitor. If the program appear on the LCD
panel instead of the external monitor, press [Fn+F5] to switch to the monitor. Try
turning the monitor off and on again.
The external monitor displays flashes or waves.
Check the cables between the monitor and the computer to make sure they are
properly installed and connected.
Some of the letter keys type numbers instead of the indicated letters.
The numeric keypad on the keyboard may be active. Check to see if the NumLock
light is on. To return the keypad keys to typing letters, press [NumLock].
Battery power seems to run out faster than expected.
If you are running the computer from the battery rather than the power cord, make
sure that you set the Idle Mode field in System Setup to On. This setting enables
the microprocessor and the hard drive to slow down when the computer is not
Infrared Problems
You can also enable other power-saving options through System Setup. Set the
timeout times in the Standby Timeout and Rest Timeout fields to the shortest
times to ensure maximum power savings.
Certain software programs “hang” during operations when there is no
interaction with the keyboard or peripheral devices.
Your computer may be in standby or rest mode. Tap the touchpad to resume from
standby or press the power button to resume from rest.
A serial or parallel device attached to a serial or parallel port on the rear
panel of the system unit does not work properly.
Make sure the attached device Is turned on. Verify that the cable is properly
installed between the device and the port. Make sure that the Installed OS
section in the Advanced menu in Setup is set to the Operating System you are
running on your TransPort LT.
A PC Card does not work correctly.
Make sure that the PC Card is inserted left side up in the PC Card slot. Check that
the card is inserted fully into the slot. If you are using a PC Card modem, check
the modem cable connections. Make sure that the Installed OS section in the
Advanced menu in Setup is set to the Operating System you are running on your
TransPort LT. Make sure that you are using the correct driver for your PC card.
The System Setup settings are not retained when you turn off the computer.
The CMOS battery inside the computer may need to be replaced. The CMOS
battery provides power to save the system BIOS information when the computer
is turned off. Normally, the CMOS battery lasts for several years. Do not attempt
to open the chassis and replace this battery yourself or your warranty is void.
Have an authorized the manufacturer’s service center replace the CMOS battery.
Infrared Problems
If your computer’s Operating System is Windows 98 or Windows 2000, you can
enable and use the infrared port. The Windows NT 4.0 Operating System does
not support infrared.
Modem Problems
If you are unable to transfer files with the infrared port, check the following:
• Make sure the setting of Serial port B is set to the
Windows\System\Properties\Network\IrDA driver.
• The sending and receiving devices need to be on the same level vertically.
Place the infrared ports on the sending and receiving devices so they face
each other, with no more than a 30 degree angle between the two infrared
• To use Infrared port, you have to set Infrared Port in BIOS setup to
Enabled, and the “Use Infrared port field in Control Panel” from Infrared to
Even if all the setting is done, the Infrared driver may not support 4Mbps or the file
does not transferred in ACPI Windows 98. This is the Windows 98’s known
problem. Use the Direct Cable Connection or hyper terminal for faster speed in
transferring the file, see Windows help to get information on its setting
method.You may hear the audio noise while using the infrared port, set Use
Infrared port field in Control Panel, Infrared to Disabled to prevent noise.
Modem Problems
My modem doesn't connect to services or disconnects during
If your modem has difficulty connecting to on-line services and sustaining
communications, check the quality of the phone line first. Interference from certain
devices or poor line power conditions may degrade the quality of your connection.
Under these conditions gradually reduce the communication speed of your
modem until a reliable connection is achieved.
Check with your on-line service provider. Service may be halted.
When using a PBX phone system I cannot dial on my modem.
If you use a PBX phone system you may need to press a number e.g. '9' to
connect to an external line, you should enter the following command before trying
the connection and check modem initialization.
And add 9, as the external line prefix (in our example) of the phone number when
using the dial command "ATDT9, 123-4567".
Screen displays random or garbage characters during communications.
Modem Problems
After your modem has connected to the on-line service, your screen may display
garbage characters or after-images in screen transitions. This problem is caused
by a mismatch of the terminal modes between communications service and
communications programs. You need to match the terminal modes to each other.
Refer the user's guide of the communications program you're using.
Reports error message that insufficient Hard Disk space is available.
Delete the unnecessary messages or data you received by Modem or Fax every
one to three months as required.
If you're using WWW of the internet, many picture and data files can get
downloaded to your HARD DISK every time you visit a home page, which will
consume a large amount of your HARD DISK space. Delete the unnecessary
messages or data you received by Modem or Fax every one to three months as
required. For more detailed information about the method of deleting, refer to the
Web browser’s help program.
Depending on telephone line status, location, or types of Fax being connected to,
The modem may not connect, or disconnection may occur during data transfer,
and some types of application software may not work correctly.
System Specifications
Chapter 14 - Specifications
System Specifications
TABLE 24. Hardware Specifications
LCD viewing area
9.7 x 7.2 in (246 x 184.5 mm)
LCD viewing area (12.1 TFT)
LCD viewing area (13.3 TFT)
10.6 x 8.0 in (270.3 x 202.8 mm)
11.89 in (30.2 cm)
1.18 in (2.99 cm)
9.53 in (24.2 cm)
4.80 lb. (2200 g)
4.90 lb. (2280 g)
Weight (12.1” with floppy drive)
Weight (13.3” with floppy drive)
Ambient temperature, operating
Ambient temperature, storage
50 –90 F (10 –32 C)
23 –104 F (-5 –40 C)
Relative humidity (noncondensing),
Relative humidity (noncondensing),
Altitude, operating
Altitude, storage
0 to 8,000 ft. (0 to 2,348 m)
0 to 40,000 ft. (0 to 12,192 m)
10 G for 11 ms half sine
60 G for 11 ms half sine
Shock, operating
Shock, non-operating
Lithium-Ion Smart Battery
Normal Weight
0.83 lb. (380g)
10.8 VDC
Nominal open circuit voltage
System Specifications
Capacity, typical
3200 mAhr
2.5 hr.
Charging time, approximate, with
computer turned off, typical
Charging time, approximate, with
computer turned on, typical
4.0 hr.
2.5 hr.
Average battery life, with no power
management enabled
External AC Adapter
Operating voltage
Line frequency
Input current
100-240 VAC
50/60 Hz
1.5 -0.8 A
3.15 A
Output current
Output voltage
19.0 VDC
Recording the Computer Hardware Configuration
System Specifications
Chapter 15 - Recording the Computer Hardware Configuration
In the spaces provided, write the System Setup program settings. If your
computer ever loses configuration information, you can enter the information from
this section into System Setup to restore it.
Diskette A:
1.44/1.25 MB 3 1/2“
Primary Master:
Multi-Sector Transfers:_____
LBA Mode Control:
32 Bit I/O:
Transfer Mode:
Fast PIO 1
Fast PIO 3
Fast PIO 2
Fast PIO 4
Ultra DMA Transfer Mode:
Mode 0
Mode 2
Mode 1
Secondary Master:
Sectors :___________
Multi-Sector Transfers:_________
LBA Mode Control:
32 Bit I/O:
Transfer Mode:
Fast PIO 1
Fast PIO 3
Fast PIO 2
Fast PIO 4
Ultra DMA Transfer Mode:
Mode 0
Mode 1
Recording the Computer Hardware Configuration
System Specifications
Mode 2 Disabled
Installed O/S:
Win95 APM
PS/2 Mouse Configuration:
Single Mouse
Dual Mouse
Screen Expansion:
TV Standard:
Dual Display:
Serial port A: Enabled
Base I/O Address
3F8, IRQ 4
3E8, IRQ 4
2F8, IRQ 3
2E8, IRQ 3
Serial port B:
Base I/O Address
3F8, IRQ 4
3E8, IRQ 4
2F8, IRQ 3
2E8, IRQ 3
DMA Channel
Parallel port:
Output only
378, IRQ 5
Base I/O Address
378, IRQ
278, IRQ 5
278, IRQ 7
3BC, IRQ 5
3BC, IRQ 7
DMA Channel
Floppy disk controller:
Recording the Computer Hardware Configuration
Local Bus IDE adapter:
System Specifications
Disabled Primary
Large Disk Access Mode:
Set password
Password on boot:
Fixed disk boot sector:
Diskette access:
Write Protect
Virus check reminder:
System backup reminder:
Idle Mode:
Standby Timeout:
Off Time_________________
Rest Mode:
Power On Suspend
Save To
Rest Timeout:
Off Time_________________
Off Time_________________
Hard disk Timeout:
Resume On Modem Ring:
Resume On Time:
Resume Time:________________________
Recording the Computer Hardware Configuration
System Specifications
QuietBoot Mode:
QuickBoot Mode:
Floppy check:
Bootable CD Check:
Summary screen:
Wake On Lan:
Boot Device Priority:
Boot option 1:________________________
Boot option 2:________________________
Boot option 3:________________________
Appendix A - Regulatory
FCC Notice
Appendix A - Regulatory
FCC Notice
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates radio frequency energy and if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference. If
this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
If necessary, the user should consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television
technician for additional suggestions. The user may find the following booklet
helpful: "Something About Interference." This is available at FCC local regional
offices. Our company is not responsible for any radio or television interference
caused by unauthorized modifications of this equipment or the substitution or
attachment of connecting cables and equipment other than those specified by our
company. The correction will be the responsibility of the user. Use only shielded
data cables with this system.
Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) Part 68
This equipment compiles with part of the FCC rules. On the back of this
equipment is a label that contains, the FCC registration number and the ringer
equivalence number (REN) for this equipment. If requested, this information must
be provided to the telephone company.
This equipment uses the following USOC jacks: RJ11C
Appendix A - Regulatory
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Part 68 Statement
A FCC compliant telephone cord and modular plug is provided with this
equipment. This equipment is designed to be connected to the telephone network
or promises wiring using a compatible modular jack which is Part 68 compliant.
The REN is used to determine the quantity of devices which may be connected to
telephone line. Excessive RENs on the telephone line may result in the devices
not ringing in response to an incoming call. In most, but not all areas, the sum of
RENs should not exceed five (5.0). To be certain of the number of devices that
may be connected to a line, as determined by total RENs, contact the local
telephone company to determine the maximum REN for the calling area.
If the terminal equipment causes harm to the telephone network, the Telephone
Company will notify you in advance that temporary discontinuance of service may
be required. But if advance notice is not practical, the telephone company will
notify the customer as soon as possible. Also, you will be advised of your right to
file a complaint with the FCC if you believe it is necessary.
The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment,
operations, or procedures that could affect the operation of the equipment. If this
happens, the telephone company will provide advanced notice in order for you to
make necessary modifications to maintain uninterrupted service.
If trouble is experienced with this equipment (SENS Modem), please contact your
local distributor. If the equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the
telephone company may request that you disconnect the equipment until the
problem is resolved.
The user must use the accessories and cables supplied by the manufacturer to
get optimum performance from the product.
No repairs may be done by the customer.
This equipment cannot be used on public coin phone service provided by the
telephone company. Connection to party line service is subject to state tariffs.
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 makes it unlawful for any person
to use a computer or other electronic device, including fax machines, to send any
message unless such message clearly contains in a margin at the top or bottom of
each transmitted page or on the first page of the transmission, the date and time it
is sent and an identification of the business or other entity, or other individual
sending the message and the telephone number of the sending machine or such
business, other entity, or individual. (The telephone number provided may not be
Appendix A - Regulatory
CTR21 Statement
any number for which charges exceed local or long-distance transmission
In order to program this information into your fax machine, refer to your
communications software user manual.
CTR21 Statement
The equipment has been approved in accordance with Council Decision 98/482/
EC for pan-European single terminal connection to the public switched telephone
network (PSTN). However, due to differences between the individual PSTNs
provided in different countries, the approval does not, of itself, give an
unconditional assurance of successful operation on every PSTN network
termination point.
In the event of problems, you should contact your equipment supplier in the first
Canadian Radio
Interference Regulations
This apparatus does not exceed the class B limits for radio noise emissions set
out in the radio interference regulations of the Canadian Department of
Le présent appareil n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites
applicable aux appareils de la classe B prescrites par le règlement de brouillage
radioélectrique dicté par le Ministère des Communications du Canada.
The laser beam used by this CD-ROM drive unit can be harmful to the eyes.
Do not attempt to open the unit. All service procedures should be performed
by an authorized dealer or distributor.
Never use any optical instruments in conjunction with this unit. To do so
will greatly increase the hazard to your eyes.
Appendix A - Regulatory
Power Cord Requirement
Labels appearing on the drives:
Power Cord Requirement
The power cord set (appliance coupler, flexible cord, and wall plug) you received
with your computer meets the requirements for use in the country where you
purchased your equipment.
Appendix A - Regulatory
Power Cord Requirement
Power cord sets for use in other countries must meet the requirements of the
country where you use the computer. For more information on power cord set
requirements, contact your authorized dealer, reseller, or service provider.
General Requirements
The requirements listed below are applicable to all countries:
• The length of the power cord set must be at least 6.00 feet (1.8m) and a
maximum of 9.75 feet (3.0m).
• All power cord sets must be approved by an acceptable accredited agency
responsible for evaluation in the country where the power cord set will be
• The power cord set must have a minimum current capacity of 7 A and a
nominal voltage rating of 125 or 250 volts AC, as required by each
country’s power system.
• The appliance coupler must meet the mechanical configuration of an EN 60
320/IEC 320 Standard Sheet C13 connector, for mating with appliance inlet
on the computer.
TABLE 25. Country-Specific Power cord Set Requirements
Note Numbers
* *
* * *
The Netherlands
Appendix A - Regulatory
Power Cord Requirement
United kingdom
United States
* *
* Flexible cord must be <HAR> Type HO5VV-F, 3-conductor, 1.0 mm² conductor
size. Power cord set fittings (appliance coupler and wall plug) must bear the
certification mark of the agency responsible for evaluation in the country where it
will be used.
* * Flexible cord must be Type SVT or equivalent, No.18 AWG. Wall plug must be
a two-pole grounding type.
* * * Appliance coupler, flexible cord, and wall plug must bear a "T" mark and
registration number in accordance with the Japanese Dentori Law. Flexible cord
must be Type VCT or VCTF, 3-conductor, 0.75 mm² conductor size. Wall plug
must be a two-pole grounding type with a Japanese Industrial Standard C8303
(15 A, 125V) configuration.
Appendix B - Important Safety Instruction
Power Cord Requirement
Appendix B - Important Safety Instruction
Read all of these instructions, and save these instructions for later use.
• Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the product.
• Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid
cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.
• Do not use this product near water. Never spill liquid of any kind on the
• Do not place this product on an unstable cart, stand, or table.
• Slots and openings in the cabinet are provided for ventilation. To ensure
reliable operation of the product on a bed, sofa, rug, or other similar
surface. This product should never be placed near or over a radiator or
heat register. This product should not be placed in a built-in installation
unless proper ventilation is provided.
• Before connecting this product to a power source, check that the required
voltage and frequency match the available power source.
• This computer is powered by an internal battery pack or by an external AC
power source, which is supplied with the computer. Use of another battery
pack or AC power source may present risk of fire or explosion and may
void the warranty.
• This product is equipped with a 2-wire type plug. If you are unable to insert
the plug into the outlet, contact your electrician to replace your obsolete
• Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord.
• Do not place this product in a location where someone may trip over the
• If an extension cord is used with this product, make sure that the total of the
ampere ratings on the products plugged into the extension cord do not
exceed the extension cord ampere rating. Also, make sure that the total of
all products plugged into the wall outlet does not exceed 15 amperes.
• Never push objects of any kind into this product through the cabinet slots,
as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short out parts; that could
result in a risk of fire or electric shock.
Appendix B - Important Safety Instruction
Power Cord Requirement
• Except as explained elsewhere in this manual, do not attempt to service
this product yourself.
• Handle batteries, CD-ROM, hard drives and any drives with care. If
dropped, they may be damaged.
• Do not allow the battery to be exposed to direct sunlight for extended
periods of time.
• Do not attempt to disassemble the battery. If the battery is disassembled
and the electrodes are exposed, the battery may generate heat and smoke
by chemical reaction.
• Do not expose the battery to moisture or chemicals.
• Charge the battery only as described in this document.
• Do not short circuit the battery terminals as the resulting high currents can
damage the battery.
• The battery should not be used to power other products.
• Do not dispose of a used battery in a fire or incinerator, as an explosion
may result.
• The battery should be recycled.
• Do not subject the battery to temperatures less than -20 degrees
Centigrade or greater than 50 degrees Centigrade.
• Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer problems to the service
representative under the following conditions:
• When the power cord or plug is damaged or frayed.
• If liquid has been spilled into product.
• If the product has been exposed to rain or water.
• If the product does not operate normally when the operating
instructions are followed, adjust only those controls that are covered by
the operating instructions. Improper adjustment of other controls may
result in damage.
• If the product exhibits a distinct change in performance.
• Failure to observe any of these precautions may void your warranty.
Appendix B - Important Safety Instruction
Battery Disposal
Battery Disposal
Do not put rechargeable batteries or products powered by non-removable
rechargeable batteries in the garbage.
Contact your customer service representative for information on how to dispose of
batteries that you cannot use or recharge any longer. Follow all local regulations
when disposing of old batteries.
This page intentionally left blank.
Appendix C - Abbreviations
Appendix C - Abbreviations
Fast Infrared
Your computer’s documentation uses the following
Alternating Current
ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power management
APM Advanced Power Management
Integrated Drive Electronics
AT attachment (refers to the hard-drive interface in
an AT-compatible computer)
ATAPI AT Attachment Packet Interface
BBS Bulletin Board System
BIOS Basic Input/Output System
IrDA Infrared Data Association
Interrupt Request line
Industry Standard Architecture
Compact Disc
CD-ROMCompact Disc Read-Only Memory
cm Centimeters
Local-Area Network
COM Communication (as in communication port)
CMOS Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
Logical Block Addressing
Liquid-Crystal Display
Direct Current
DMA Direct Memory Access
DPMS Display Power-Management Signaling
DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory
DSTN Double layer Super Twist Nematic
mAhr Milliampere hour
Extended Capabilities Port
Enhanced Parallel Port
MPEG Motion Picture Experts Group
Appendix C - Abbreviations
MPU Microprocessor Unit
Portable Document Format
Personal Computer
Peripheral Component Interconnect
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International
POST Power-On Self-Test
Plug and Play
PS/2 Personal System/2
RAM Random-Access Memory
ROM Read-Only Memory
SVGA Super Video Graphics Array
Thin-Film Transistor
Universal Serial Bus
Voltage Alternating Current
Voltage Collector Current
Voltage Direct Current
Watt hour
Appendix D - Glossary
Appendix D - Glossary
The basic unit of measure for computer memory. A
character—such as a letter of the alphabet—uses one byte of
memory. Computer memory is often measured in kilobytes
(1,024 bytes) or megabytes (1,048,576 bytes).
AC Adapter
The AC (or alternating current) adapter regulates current
coming into your computer from the wall outlet. The current at
the wall outlet is alternating current and needs to be changed
by the adapter to DC (direct current) before your computer
can use it for power.
Each byte is made up of eight bits. For more information on
bytes and bits, see an introductory book on computers.
Cache memory
ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface)
Cache is very fast, zero-wait-state memory located between
the microprocessor and main memory. Cache reduces the
average time required by the microprocessor to get the data it
needs from the main memory by storing recently accessed
data in the cache.
A method for describing hardware interfaces in terms
abstract enough to allow flexible and innovative hardware
implementations and concrete enough to allow shrink-wrap
OS code to use such hardware interfaces.
BIOS (Basic Input/Output System)
CardBus technology enables the computer to use 32-bit PC
Cards. Hardware in the computer and the Windows 98
operating system provide support for the 32-bit cards. The
voltage of 32-bit cards (3.3 volts) is lower than that of 16-bit
cards (5 volts). The 32-bit cards can transmit more data at a
time than the 16-bit cards, thus increasing their speed.
The BIOS is software (often called firmware) that is
independent of any operating system. It enables the
computer to communicate with the screen, keyboard, and
other peripheral devices without using programs on the hard
The BIOS on your computer is flash BIOS, which means that
it has been recorded on a flash memory chip that can be
updated if needed.
CMOS memory (Complementary Metal Oxide
Memory that is powered by the CMOS battery. The System
Setup settings and other parameters are maintained in
CMOS memory. Even when you turn your computer off, the
information in CMOS memory is saved.
To start your computer. A cold boot resets the entire
computer and runs through all computer self-tests. A warm
boot clears out computer memory only.
COM port
Boot disk
COM stands for communication. COM ports are the serial
ports in your computer.
A disk containing operating system programs required to start
your computer. A boot disk can be a floppy disk, hard drive,
or compact disc.
Compact Disc
A compact disc (CD).
Appendix D - Glossary
Conventional memory
Hard drive
The first 640 KB of system memory. Operating systems and
application programs can directly access this memory without
using memory-management software.
Also called fixed disk. A hard drive is connected to the
computer and can be installed or removed. Data written to a
hard drive remains until it is overwritten or corrupted.
The 2.5-inch hard drive in your computer was designed for
use in a notebook computer. Because hard drives in
notebook computers are smaller than those in desktop
computers, their maximum storage capacity may be less than
that of desktop hard drives. However, because of their
smaller size, the drives handle shock and vibration better
than larger drives, which is important for a notebook
The device used by the computer to store and retrieve
information. Disk can refer to a floppy disk, hard disk, or CD-
ROM disk.
Disk cache
A software device that accumulates copies of recently used
disk sectors in RAM. The application program can then read
these copies without accessing the disk. This, in turn, speeds
up the performance of the application.
I/O (Input/output)
Refers to peripheral devices, such as printers, that are
addressed through an I/O address.
A cache is a buffer for transferring disk sectors in and out of
RAM. Data stored in a disk cache is a copy of data already
stored on the physical disk.
I/O address
I/O stands for input/output. Peripheral devices, such as
printers, are addressed through the I/O port address.
DMA (Direct Memory Access)
A method of transferring data from a device to memory
without having the data pass through the microprocessor.
Using DMA can speed up system performance.
IRQ (Interrupt Request Line)
The IRQ is a hardware line that a device uses to signal the
microprocessor when the device needs the microprocessor’s
services. The number of IRQs is limited by industry
Display Power Management Signalling. Displays or monitors
that comply with this can be managed by the Power
Management features found in the system setup.
LCD (Liquid-Crystal Display)
The LCD screen on your computer differs from the display
screen of a desktop monitor. Most desktop monitors use CRT
(cathode-ray tube) displays, which work by moving an
electron beam across phosphor dots on the back of the
screen. The phosphor dots light up to show the image. LCDs
use a liquid-crystal solution between two sheets of polarizing
material. Electric current passing through the liquid aligns the
crystals so that light can or cannot pass through them,
creating an image.
Floppy disk
A removable disk, also called floppy or diskette.
Appendix D - Glossary
MB (megabyte)
POST (Power On Self Test)
1,024 kilobytes.
POST is a test performed by the computer whenever you turn
on the power. POST checks system integrity.
RAM (Random Access Memory)
1,048,576 bits or about 128 kilobytes.
Operating system
The computer's system memory, including conventional and
extended memory. You can write to and read from RAM.
Information stored in RAM is temporary, and is erased when
the system is turned off.
A program that supervises the computer's operation,
including handling I/O. Application programs and users can
request operating-system services. A user might request
operation-system services to copy files or format a disk. An
application program might use the operating system to obtain
keyboard input, write data to a file, or write data to a screen.
Refresh rate
The refresh rate is the rate at which the image on the LCD
screen is rewritten to the screen. A fast refresh rate helps
keep the image from flickering.
PC Card (Personal Computer Card)
The Personal Computer Memory Card International
Association (PCMCIA) defines the standards used to develop
all PC Cards. PC Card types include: modems, Ethernet
adapters, SCSI adapters, ATA cards, and memory cards.
The resolution is the sharpness or clarity of the image on
your LCD screen. Resolution is measured by the number of
pixels the computer’s screen can display. For example, a
resolution of 800x600 means that the screen can display 800
pixels in row and can display 600 rows. The more pixels
displayed, the higher the resolution and the better the image.
PC slot
The PC slot is the hardware slot in the computer where the
PC Card is placed.
ROM (Read-Only Memory)
Permanent computer memory dedicated to a particular
function. For example, the instructions for starting the
computer when you first turn on power are contained in ROM.
You cannot write to ROM. (ROM is not the same as RAM).
A pixel is an individual dot in a graphic displayed on your
computer. The pixels are so close together that they look as
though they are connected. An LCD screen displays
thousands or millions of pixels.
Plug and Play
Also known as disk sector. The portion of a track that is
numbered and can hold a specified number of characters
(usually 512 KB).
A plug and play operating system automatically configures
computer components to work with your system. With this
type of operating system, you normally do not need to set
jumpers on devices or set memory addresses or IRQs.
Shadow RAM
A write-protected area of RAM that contains a copy of the
BIOS. As the computer boots, the BIOS is copied from its
permanent location in ROM to RAM. The BIOS can be
Appendix D - Glossary
executed much faster in RAM than in ROM. The BIOS
remains in shadow RAM until you turn off the computer.
TFT (Thin Film Transistor) LCD
A TFT LCD uses a separate transistor circuit to control each
pixel. This technology provides the best resolution for an LCD
screen. A TFT LCD is also sometimes called an active matrix
Zoomed video
Zoomed video technology enables zoom video PC Cards to
transfer data directly from the card to video and audio
systems without going through the microprocessor. This
process improves video performance. Video conferencing
and real-time multimedia devices, such as video cameras,
are supported by zoom video.
boot code boundary 122
Boot Device Priority field 87
Boot disk 161
Boot sector
locking 90
adjustment keys 22, 28
Byte 161
32 Bit I/O field 80
56K 47
Abbreviations used in documentation 159
AC adapter 11, 15, 20, 161
optional 63
Active Matrix Display 161
brightness 22, 28
display 22
Advanced menu, System Setup 81
Application and Driver Restore CD-ROM 137
Apply Changes 118
Cache memory 161
Caps Lock light 30
CardBus 58, 161
CardWizard 58, 61
CD-ROM drive
configuring 78
optional 67
using 37
changes, applying 118
CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor)
battery 140
asterisk (*) in partition list, explained 116
Auto/airline adapter 63
memory 161
Backing up software 137
8-bit 53
16-bit 53
charge light 30
24-bit 53
charging 19
32-bit 53
depth 55
CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) 140
conserving power 84, 139
disposing of 42
COM (communication) port 161
Commands 49
Compact discs, playing 38
image files 104
installing 43
Main Battery Lights 44
monitoring charge 44
optional 64
removing 42
level 104
safety 42
warnings 45
computer 75
Battery charge light 30
Battery gauge 44
BIOS (basic input/output system) 161
Boot 161
video features 53
Connecting peripheral devices 31
Conventional memory 162
Convert 129
cold 23
FAT32 to FAT 129
warm 23
CPU 13
Exit menu, System Setup 88
Exit Saving Changes field 88
Extended Attribute
Ignore OS/2 EA Errors on FAT 119
Extended Memory field 80
extended partition
Central Processing Unit 13
Create 121
partition, free space required 121
save to disk partition 97
Cursor control keys 26
Cylinders field 79
deletion of 125
External monitor 54, 139
FAT file system
Convert from FAT32 129
FAT32 file system 129
FDD 21
loss, causes of 120
protection 115
Delete 125
Fixed disk boot sector field 84
save to disk partition 98
Disassembly warning 23
Disc 161
Disk 162
disk 13
CD-ROM drive 37
hot swapping 34
installing devices 34
using 33
Disk cache 162
Disk sector 163
disk, physical
Floppy disk 162
Floppy disk controller field 82
Floppy drive
selecting 117
preventing use of 90
using 35
Format 127
Diskette A field 78
Diskette access field 83
free space
adjusting 22
displayed 116
TFT (thin-film transistor) 22
Disposing of battery packs 42
DMA (direct memory access) 162
Docking options 70
DOS 1, 134
required to create a partition 121
Function keys 26
Fn+F2 27
Fn+F7 28
Fn+F12 28
drive letters
Fn+Left Arrow 28
Fn+Right Arrow 28
changes to caused by using Create 121
in partition list 116
Drivers 71
DVD-ROM drive
configuring 78
Glossary 161
optional 67
hard disk
Format 127
Hard drive 162
Exit Discarding Changes field 88
configuring 78
Load Setup Defaults field 88
Local Bus IDE adapter field 81
installing 41
locking the boot sector 90
removing 40
floppy drive 90
using 39
Hardware specifications 143
HDD 21
hard disk drive 132
Heads field 79
Hot swapping 34
hard drive boot sector 90
keyboard 91
Main menu, System Setup 77
Maximum Capacity field 79
Megabit 163
Megabyte 163
I/O (input/output) 162
I/O Device Configuration field 81
cache 161
CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) 161
conventional 162
Memory modules
installing 65
port 32
Ignore OS/2 EA Errors on FAT 119
image files
compressing 104
spanning media 106
Infrared port field 82
Installed O/S field 81
precautions 24
removing 65
sizes 64
Menus, System Setup 76
Modem 47, 49
Flex-bay devices 34
hard drive 41
peripheral devices 31
precautions 46
setting resume time 87
external 139
navigating 117
IRQ (interrupt request line) 71, 162
selecting type 54
mouse, selecting items with 117
Multi-Sector Transfers field 79
Key lock key 28
naming a partition 126
navigate interface 117
network drives, simplifying backups to 115
Num Lock light 30
locking 28, 91
using 25, 26
Numeric keypad 27, 139
Label 126
Large Disk Access Mode field 81
LBA Mode Control field 79
LCD 12
LCD (liquid-crystal display) 162
Liquids, precautions 25
Operating system 163
Create 121
Delete 125
Format 127
installing 59
Label 126
maintaining 59
selecting 118
removing 60
Options 63
OS/2 1
Ignore OS/2 EA Errors on FAT 119
rest mode 61
slot 163
stopping in CardWizard 61
types 58
using 58
Parallel port field 82
Windows 98 60
Windows NT 60
applying changes to 118
creating 121
deleting 125
zoomed video 164
Peripheral devices, connecting 31
extended, deletion of 125
formatting 127
list 116
map 116
naming 126
physical disk 117
Pixel 53, 163
Playing compact discs 38
Plug and play 163
Port icons 32
POST (power-on self-test) 21, 163
Power button 20
selecting 118
status 116
using 64KB FAT clusters on 119
partition list
Power light 30
Power Management
Suspend 132
Power management
features 93
drive letters in 116
information in 116
status in 116
partition map
defined 116
asterisk (*) in, explained 116
resizing 110
Password on boot field 84
rest mode 94
standby mode 93
System Setup fields 84
Power menu, System Setup 84
Power on suspend mode 94
Power Saving Mode field 85
monitoring the battery 44
power-management features 95
for floppy drive 90
on boot 90
overview 89
operating 23
rest mode 94
PC Card
16-bit 58
32-bit 58
CardBus 58, 161
CardWizard 61
definition 163
Preferences, PartitionMagic
Skip Bad Sector Checks 120
Primary Master field 78
Product Support Hot-line 139
PS/2 mouse and keyboard 32
PS/2 Mouse Configuration Menu 81
Service Pack 4 72
Set Supervisor Password field 83
Set User Password field 83
Shadow RAM (random access memory) 164
Shutting down the computer 22
Skip Bad Sector Checks 120
Smart Battery Calibration field 88
Smart Monitoring field 80
SmartBay Hotswap Utility 34
backing up 137
hanging 140
media-spanning feature 106
Spills, handling 25
QuietBoot Mode field 87
RAM (random access memory) 163
Rebooting the computer 23
Refresh rate 163
removable drives 115
hard drive 40
resizing partitions 110
Resolution 53, 55, 163
Rest mode 94
precautions 94
Standby mode 93
requiring a password for resume 90
Rest Mode field 86
Rest Timeout field 85
Restarting the computer 23
restoring image files
resizing partitions 110
Resume on Modem Ring field 86
Resume On Time field 86, 87
Resuming from rest mode 94
ROM (read-only memory) 163
setting timeout for 85
using 94
Standby Timeout field 85
Starting System Setup 75
Storing the computer 25
Summary screen field 87
Suspend 132
Suspend to disk mode 86
System Date field 77
System Memory field 80, 81
System request key 27
System resources 71
System Setup
Save to disk mode 94, 97
Save to disk partition 97
Scroll Lock key 28
Scroll Lock light 30
Secondary Master field 78
Sector 163
Advanced menu 81
Exit menu 88
help 77
losing settings 140
Main menu 77
menus, overview 76
overview 75
Power menu 84
recording settings 8, 145
Security menu 83
starting 75
submenus 77
Sectors field 79
Security features 89
Security Menu, System Setup 83
items with a mouse 117
operations 118
partitions 118
physical disks 117
Serial port field 82
using 77
System Time field 77
Windows 1
Windows 98
TFT (thin film transistor) LCD (liquid crystal display) 53, 164
Tips for using the computer 23
Touchpad 29, 32
changing the video driver 56
creating a suspend partition 97
hot swapping Flex-Bay modules 34
Install 137
keys 26
PC Card 60
Transfer Mode field 80
Traveling with the computer 24
external monitor 139
getting help 139
LCD (liquid-crystal display) 139
numeric keypad 139
parallel device 140
Windows NT 72
64KB FAT clusters 119
CardWizard 58
changing the video driver 57
creating a suspend partition 97
Install 137
serial device 140
PC Card 60, 61
PowerProfiler 95
Drive Image hangs when creating an image file 101
Turning on the computer 20
TV Standard field 81
Type field 79
XGA 12
Extended Graphics Array 12
Ultra DMA Transfer Mode field 80
UPS 20
Zoomed video 164
Uninterruptible Power Supply 20
color depth 53
configuring 53
configuring display 54
driver capabilities 53
refresh rate 163
resolution 53, 163
Video driver
changing 56
virus turn
turn off before creating an image 101
volume 126
label 126
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